Random Acts of Kindness | Faith in Humanity Restored

Sometimes you can get surprised by others’ acts of kindness that will leave a lasting impression. That is why showing kindness at every opportunity to the ones around us is so important. Enjoy these next videos of people who went out of their way to make others feel extra special.

On a hot day, marathon participants were watered down by the local fire department helping them to continue the race in the brutal summer heat.

Support is one way to show kindness and is what helps to keep us motivated to do the things we enjoy the most.
It can be shown in many ways and has one of the greatest impacts on the ones receiving it.

While waiting in line at a drive through you may not expect to see any wildlife roaming about and wouldn’t expect to see workers giving food to them.

Even though it may seem like a small thing to others this dad offers his help to his son everyday to make sure he gets to his ride safely.

Even if you are the president of America you never have too little time to give your time to people.
It is the simplest acts of kindness that have the greatest impacts on others.

Surprising a child is one way to create a memory that will last forever.
For this girl the surprise and kindness of her parents moves her in such a way that she cries tears of joy.
She has always wanted a puppy and on this day that wish came true.

Being kind to others makes us happy, and happiness makes us kind, creating a loop of kind acts being repeated.

Giving someone a gift whether it be a good memory, money or a new computer that will put a smile on their face is the best reward.
And watching as they react to receiving the gift they always wanted is the best kind of entertainment.

As shown in this video, being generous to others can lead to a number of good things.
Both the receiver and giver benefit from generous acts and can encourage others to pass it on.

Not all acts of kindness require planning and take little effort to make someone’s day better.
This girl was so moved by the thoughtfulness of her aunt after she had a bit of bad luck.

Doing something kind for others can help to spread kindness and generosity as shown here. It really has a big impact when we take the time to do something that will help others.
Anything that can connect you with others will allow you to exercise your kindness muscles. You’ll be amazed to see how much of an effect being kind to others makes.

Even a small act like making your significant other their favorite food can have an incredible impact on them and help to brighten their day.

Being separated from family at a young age can be one of the hardest things to deal with.
But being reconnected with them can bring all kinds of joys and get rid of any pain that both parties may have carried.

Can you imagine living how this elerdey woman does?
Well, some good samaritans saw her situation and began to act right away. With some donations from their viewers online they purchased a new bed and wheelchair for the elderly woman.
The generosity didn’t stop there as they built her a little bathroom and also put money into an account for her to live off of.
They also rebuilt the fruit stand in the area to give more work to other elderly women in the area.
Their kind acts will surely never be forgotten.

Strong friendships that last through the years are rooted in kindness and thoughtfulness for one another.
No matter what the occasion is, doing something kind for a loved one will make them feel special.
It is nice to see such good relationships that have kept strong throughout the years.

Buying gifts for children has never been an easy thing to do as we have to consider many things when selecting the perfect present.
But with a little bit of creativity and thoughtfulness you can make an amazing surprise.

Performing acts of kindness also strengthens bonds between us and others. Being kind to someone makes them more prone to be kind in return to others.

Surprising loved ones with a gift that they have always wanted is one of the best things we can do for them.
The reaction that they have is worth the effort and wait.

Love will make us do many things and it is the power of love that keeps bonds between people strong.

Giving connects us in a special way and makes us realize how much power we have in making others feel better about themselves.
It is the small things that count the most.

An easy kindness idea is to adopt. Not only is it good for society, it is also good to give someone or something a better life.
You can tell that he is very happy to meet his new parents.

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41 thoughts on “Random Acts of Kindness | Faith in Humanity Restored”

  1. Great – so parents giving their kids toys and puppies is an ACT OF KINDNESS ! Wow !πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ So parents taking their kids to expensive restaurants is also an act of kindness? And giving their kids their estate and money when dying is act of kindness?? πŸ˜„πŸ˜πŸ˜†
    How about giving hungry people something to eat? Or help someone with medical issues by financial support.

  2. if you feed raccoons you are my heroes, i love raccoons so much i never saw in real life bcs i m from greece and we dont have raccoons around here… i love them so much i wish one day could see one πŸ˜€

  3. It is nice to see people do nice things for other humans.. while it is nice to see people spend hours, months, years and thousands of dollars on helping wild and domestic animals, clearly there are many millions of human beings that need help that are ignored by the animal activists.

  4. A lot of these are less "random acts of kindness" and more "family members loving/doing nice things for other family members." Which is GREAT. But it's not the same thing. And for people who have been rejected by their families or just don't have families of their own, it can be super depressing when you're looking for 'random acts of kindness' to restore faith in humanity and all you see is just nonstop families being families. It's like rubbing it in, in a way.

  5. The old men in the motorized wheelchairs.. so many feelings. That excitement remains the same from their first rc car, bike, motorcycle, to car. It just amazes me how happy they were to zoom around each other.

  6. ok let me make my personal thoughts of kindness be said, it's not to make everyone see what you did on face book oh look ,. look at what i did so much kindness needs to be recognized to get applauded or even by getting their money back, someone helping someone or even animals not seen not bragged about i did, my thoughts also look at others giving money away having it recorded then posting them but they get that money back now thats kindness some one showing he was feeding the racoons good on him good karma on it's way to him

  7. When I was about 5 years old I lost my stuffed cat at a party, and I never stopped crying, some days later my mom bought me a stuffed cat that looked similar, and I started crying, I love her, and I love my plushy

    PD: I remember I always asked Santa Claus, or the 3 Magic Kings to bring me one that looked the same, or if they could, to bring me the same one, after literal years of waiting my wish came true, one day, on the day of the 3 Magic Kings there she was, my plushie, I'm pretry sure it is the same one that I lost, it wasn't in a gift bag or anything, and it had a lot of dirt on it.


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