Ramin & Damien Talk Money

Get ready for an engaging discussion you won’t want to miss! On our next YouTube live, Ramin and Damien Jordan, from the …


22 thoughts on “Ramin & Damien Talk Money”

  1. My god I was getting a major fan-boy vibe from the previous Damo-Sasha “COLLAB” which was BRILLIANT. And now you two – I said on the other vid that the three of you would be good together (it would be mental though). Honestly, you all seem top blokes, and that’s probably why you’re all so popular.

  2. I really enjoyed this, two of you talkig without a script. I think this format leads you to give more defined opionions, for example on LTA. In a scripted video you would just sit on a fence and said "nobody knows", but today we got a bit more an insight into your thoughts. This colab should be a quarterly thing.

  3. I'm very new to all this, and I'm frankly amazed at how much I'm enjoying your content 😆 This conversation was so helpful for me as I start to get my head around all this investing malarkey. You both have a talent for explaining complicated concepts in a very accessible way. Thank you


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