Raised Garden Beds Are So Yesterday!

I’m building a hydroponic grow tower using parts from the hardware store. I can grow 10 times the amount of food I grow now in my raised garden beds in the same amount of space by going up. You can grow a garden in any space, including an apartment and this costs 50% to 75% less than buying a consumer hydroponic tower. Grow your own food and become self-reliant.
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You’ll Save 547.5 Hours If You Do This https://youtu.be/6cZ5ASpjhlk

Homestead Prepping 101 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCK5XUSikQGpEolHcnK4hIu5BN2MHrqxZ

How To Prepare For Any Emergency https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCK5XUSikQGpoAPptROyxUu0c0_hSF_DZ

How To Stop Garden Thieves! https://youtu.be/2sXVqIHStNw

As we make our journey from home to homestead, I’ll teach you how to become self-reliant. When the systems we rely on fail know that you’ll have the skills to provide for your family. Oh, and we’ll have fun doing it! 👊


39 thoughts on “Raised Garden Beds Are So Yesterday!”

  1. I'm SO glad that you did a video on this. I have watched countless videos and was just not satisfied with what I was seeing. When I saw you had put out one on this, I knew it would be awesome. Great construction and easy to build. And as always… you daughter is so CUTE! She is such an awesome helper.

  2. I love that you are teaching valuable life lessons to your young daughter while spending unforgettable quality time with her! Go DAD!

  3. Just because you have a spot to grow a plant on the tower doesn't mean a plant growing in that spot would receive the same amount of incident solar radiation as it would on the ground. For an open field, growing vertically doesn't really have any advantages. Vertical growth is useful for saving ground area when using artificial lighting or for capturing light that would otherwise be inaccessible, such as along the side of a building or at the edge of a property line.

  4. is there like a item list not in the video or anything like that to go off of? or is the item list in the video all we got? like maybe some links to all the items or anything? lol just asking I wanna put one of these together so I can grow some maters

  5. i actually bought a bunch of hydro books from the bookstores back in the day but never had the time to get around to practicing what i learned.
    i have watched a bunch of viddies on aquaponics with fish and flood tables, i wonder if it would work going vertical?

  6. The state run media has a lot to answer for touting climate cult pseudo-science to the world 24/7 and then saying, oh no! Now we're heading for a food shortage! The hypocrisy is astounding.

  7. Great build!! I just wish there were some plans or more details since I am a complete newbie like how many inches did he cut the 2in pvc and at what angle?
    What did he use to hold the towers in the container, how big is the container and how strong is the pump he used among other things if anyone can help thanks 😊

  8. There is the power issue so in a less optimal situation they won’t work but in a situation where the grocery stores are empty but society is still somewhat in place less space to grow more food is always a plus!

  9. Every father should call their daughters beautiful – and teach them how to use power tools at the same time. And at 6:29 of the video When you said "oh really… So you've got a better way than daddy" – the expression Your daughter mugs the camera with is pure Comedic gold.
    With your witty and fun loving personality, you have embued your daughter with a fantastic sense of humor. You have armed her well.
    I'm also of the opinion that You should definitely Pontificate on the Plural possibilities of PVC. How can you not.

  10. Gardening and prepping are great, BUT the reality is that it is very hard to produce food cheaper than for what you can buy it in the store, even with some inflation, if you include the cost of the potting soil, beds, pots, water, lights, pest control, your time and labor, etc….the big farms are just better at it and have efficiency of scale. So gardening is wonderful as a hobby and emergency back-up, but unlikely to save you money.

  11. I have been looking into hydroponics and am seriously considering trying. The thing that is stopping me is we have very cold winters. So no where to put all these planters during harsh winters

  12. Just my opinion and i say this with passion not disregard:

    Just because you can do something don't mean you should.

    How will this setup work for corn?
    Heavy crops?
    Aggressive growth plants shading eachouther? Terrace? Space is the only pro!

    So why not grow laterally and spread out growth hormones throughout the plant with an even canopy. Talk about increasing yield from a single plant.

    Then there is the nutritional part.
    Hydroponic right? So chemical/salt based nutes(miracle grow mix). Nice! Not really. Not sustainable, money pit, unhealthy, not as tasty. . You eat your chemicals. I wont.

    To me it's like reinventing the wheel hexagonal.

    However what do I know, you have mycelium to help this contraption thrive with beneficial microbs right!?😢

    Stop thinking new age its not sustainable its only doable for some… half-assed just like this new age mentality.

    Nature is how it's done..hail the fungi! If it wasn't for fungi we wouldn't be here.

    Start making your own sustainable soils with animals like rabbits/alpaca manure that feed off the garden and inturn give you a sustainable natural cycle with soil when you composte with that manure.

    Nullius in verba, ad te.
    What animal has the highest nitrogen manure? What animal has the highest NPK ratio manure?


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