RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK | First Time Watching | Movie Reaction

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We watch Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark!


31 thoughts on “RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK | First Time Watching | Movie Reaction”

  1. The first three raiders movies were classics and great movies that dealt mostly with Real historical biblical treasures, the 4th one just went off the rails on some alien conspiracy theory BS

  2. "You're not the man I knew ten years ago."

    "It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage."

    Fun Fact: During filming in Tunisia, nearly everyone in the cast and crew got sick except director Steven Spielberg. It is thought that he avoided illness by eating only the food he'd brought with him.

    Historical Fact: No serious archaeologist believes the Ark Of The Covenant is in Tanis. In fact, it's a known fact that it is in Ethiopia. I suggest watching the documentary here on YouTube. You can easily find it, if you search for it.

    Shoot First Fact: The famous scene in which Indy shoots a marauding and flamboyant swordsman was not in the original script. Harrison Ford was supposed to use his whip to get the sword out of his attacker's hands, but the food poisoning he and the rest of the crew had gotten made him too sick to perform the stunt. After several unsuccessful tries, Ford suggested just shooting the swordsman. Steven Spielberg immediately took him up on the idea, and the scene was successfully filmed.

    Ask Questions Later Fact: During the scene where Indiana threatens the Nazis with a Panzerfaust, you can clearly see a fly creeping into the mouth of Paul Freeman. Contrary to popular belief, he did not swallow it. Freeman explained in an interview years later that the fly flew away, but Steven Spielberg noticed it flew away when Freeman said "bad" and decided it would be funny to cut out a few frames so the fly would not be seen flying away. This made it look as though Freeman ate it, and he found the edit highly amusing. Empire Magazine chose this scene as one of the most common scenes for which people press the "Pause" button on their VCRs.

  3. It's rare that a movie creates (or at least re-invigorates) a whole genre. Any treasure hunting adventurer movie after this owes a debt to Raiders (Romancing the Stone, The Goonies, Tomb Raider games and movies, The Mummy movies, National Treasure movies…)

  4. 28:29 – So, this movie came out soon after Empire Strikes Back (and both with stories by George Lucas) never occurred to me that the scene on the ship was very similar to one in Cloud City.

    KATANGA: …leave us the girl. It will reduce our loss on this trip.

    SHLIEMANN: Savage. You are not in a position to ask for anything. We will take what we wish and then decide whether or not to blow your ship from the water.

    Meanwhile, in Cloud City…

    VADER: Calrissian, take the princess and the Wookiee to my ship.

    LANDO: You said they'd be left in the city under my supervision.

    VADER: I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further.

  5. In Captain America: The First Avenger, just before acquiring the Tesseract, the Red Skull says "…and the Fuhrer digs for trinkets in the desert…" (It could be fun if Indiana Jones existed in the same universe as Marvel…)

  6. It's the whole middle eastern vibe, Lawrence of Arabia, Great music score as well. Add Indy and action adventure on top of that and it's one of the greatest movies of all time. Spielberg and crew were masters.

  7. That smokey stuff coming out when they lifted the top off that Egyptian tomb? That's 3000 year old germs and bacteria! Definite curse! When King Tut's tomb was opened, everyone rushed in to see what was inside, and most of them ended up dying soon after.

  8. 1. While filming in Tunisia most of the cast got food poisoning and Ford actually got diarrhea from it. and was very ill. The scene where he shoots the guy

    was supposed to be a long fight scene but Ford was feeling so bad and it was terribly hot so he basically said, "The hell with this" and just shot the guy. LOL

    2. Karen Allen played Boone's squeeze in "Animal House" HINT HINT

    3. If you don't like spiders you're going to love the next one. It's not the best of the bunch but it's adventurous. Billy is a pain in the ass though.

    4. Two overlooked Harrison Ford movies worth a first time/share are: "Witness" and "Force 10 From Navarone"

    5. There's no way he could swim from the boat to the sub the way he did when they were underway.
    6. Coolest death scene EVER 😎

    7. The ride at Disneyland is pretty cool. Make sure it's one of your first to get it out of the way. Adventureland.

  9. What!? A young YouTube reactor hasn't seen "Raiders of the Lost Ark" (1981)? This will be a fun roller coaster ride in "1936." 1:31 It isn't every day that the second choice actor gets to flesh out an icon like "Dr. Henry Jones, Jr.";) 1:46 Actor Alfred Molina's first big movie role. (The Tarantulas were real; a female had to be added to get them to crawl around.) Like the serial/cliffhanger movies of the 1940's, "Raiders" has enough Action for THREE such movies. 4:30 Actor Vic Tablian is also the "Nazi Monkey" owner in Egypt. 8:17 Two-fisted Marion Ravenwood is Indy's equal, and wasn't seen until the much-maligned "Crystal Skull" (2008) movie. 20:32 In the original DVD, you can see the pane of glass separating Harrison Ford for a very real Cobra. 21:15 This was a little cliffhanger scene in 1981. 27:18 The Killer Mirror! 28:00 Jehovah doesn't like the Hakenkreutz, either. 30:40 Trouble ahead for the unworthy/profane, looking upon the Ark. On to the lesser "Temple of Doom" (1984).

  10. There are three sequels, Temple of Doom, Last Crusade and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. ToD & LC are definitely worth your time. In fact, LC is my personal favorite. KotCS, OTOH, is not great. I'm more forgiving of it than most, I think it had a few good parts, but even I don't rewatch it.

    So definitely watch the next two movies, then move on.

    There is a fifth movie on the way, but it's probably going to make Crystal Skull look like a masterpiece.

  11. It doesn't take anything away from the movie. I just think it's funny. But Indiana Jones could have just done nothing. The Ark was never in danger. The Ark WAS the danger. Which was good because Indiana Jones failed his mission. He tried so hard and got so far but in the end it didn't even matter.

    I just think it's funny that it's a story of a hero on an unnecessary adventure that he fails. The happy ending is that his mission didn't matter. But he did get back together with the alcoholic girl who he had a probably illegal relationship with.

  12. Hell yeah, we want you to watch the sequels (the next one is actually a PREQUEL). Temple of Doom, which is next, I think is the most fun watch. Maybe not the best of the original three, but still good and the most fun.

  13. I just had an Indiana Jones marathon a few days before this video was published, I think this movie aged well for the most part, glad you recognized Indy as Han Solo, not to forget George Lucas was the mind behind this along with Steven Spielberg, and ofc the amazing score of John Williams, it's curious cause I was interested by Indiana Jones before I became a Star Was fan. I'm gonna see you the next ones, Temple of Doom is pretty dark but is still full of adventrue, Last Crusade is my personal favorite. Kingdom of Crystal Skull is kind of a guilty pleasure to me, there are some good things but it might not be that great as the original three, I'm willing to watch the 5th movie this year.

  14. Hi Alexandra & Pete!🙂You two compliment each other nicely for reactions. Pete is more serious, and Alexandra is more light hearted. This film is usually one of the favorites in the series. Great reactions to the original Raiders film, Kids!!!🎬👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽Have a great weekend!🙂

  15. This is an absolute classic—The reason not to look is because only certain people in the Bible were even permitted to be in the presence of the Ark. Looking at the entity that emerged from the Ark was essentially looking into the face of God. That was always a big no no. For Nazis, it's a terrible idea.


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