Raiders Fan Radio LIVE! Ep. 310 Ding Dong, The Witch is Dead

Join your buddies Murf, Swag Jeff and Michelle for a lighter journey into the Dark Side!


21 thoughts on “Raiders Fan Radio LIVE! Ep. 310 Ding Dong, The Witch is Dead”

  1. Btw winning doesn’t cure everything, consistency does aka commitment to excellence. Winning is week to week. When we know and can expect us to win then we’ll have the ability to fix other problems.

  2. Let’s see how we play in November and December. Only two months that truly matter. We have three wins already. If we win most of our games the rest of the way I’ll be happy. And we have the talent

  3. LVGully hating ass still being negative. I do agree with what he said about hiring a head of operations to hire the GM, that way Mark can stay out of it, which definitely needs to happen. But I’m anxious to see what does happen. If the team rallys behind Pierce and we finish 6-3, 6-4, is he not our guy moving forward? The big question is what we do at the GM spot? Mark needs to completely be hands off with this decision because it simply has not worked. Reach out to former executives and contacts, and see what person to hire to make these decisions. What ever happens, Kelly should get an interview too.

  4. Blowing 5 double digit leads. Losing to Baker Mayfield 2 days after he got off the plane. Losing to Jeff Saturday (btw that was Jeff’s ONLY victory). After taking so many bites of a shit sandwich I went into this season feeling the worst I’ve ever felt (even compared to the mid 2000’s). This season “boy blunder”, I mean “boy wonder why we hired that pos” failed to score 20 points in all 9 games (ok we scored 21 in one game but one of those was a defense led score). Something didn’t feel right when Mark went for the splash move going away from Bisaccia for McDumbass. The best advice my mom taught me early on was to trust my gut. TBH I can’t nitpick personnel changes but trading Yamminick (spelling I won’t even attempt Ngockue) for Chandler didn’t feel right after the chemistry Maxx had with him in ‘21.

    I can’t profess to know but my gut tells me if AOC pans out we could have a replay of the ‘21 scenario. Antonio seems to have all the bonafides of a leader of men that the team will get behind. My sincere hope is that Mark doesn’t abandon AP in that case.



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