Raid Voyages: Dive to World Events in Sea of Thieves

The Sea of Thieves offers a wide range of exciting experiences you can start as soon as you begin your adventure. However, until now, some of the most engaging experiences, the many World Events, were left up to chance encounters. You could spend a whole sailing session and never find a Skeleton Fort or Ghost Fleet. Now, with the Quest Table, you can dive straight to almost any World Event on demand by simply voting for a Raid Voyage from your ship, anywhere, at any time!

00:00 – Intro
00:48 – What is a Raid Voyage?
02:09 – Raid Voyage Treasure
03:13 – How do Raid Voyages work?


46 thoughts on “Raid Voyages: Dive to World Events in Sea of Thieves”

  1. I’m eagerly awaiting spreadsheets for each of these raid voyages, I’ve noticed that the reputation increase is insanely high for the ghost fleet. More about the rep than the gold.

  2. I'm a bit torn with the update. Obviously its good you can now really focus specific trading companies and get loot designed for them by doing world events that are actually fun, not brain numbing voyages. That said, leveling up the emissary is a bit of a pain, you dive to an event, do the event, not get rank 5 and then you have to go back and sell before doing it again, unless you manually sail or do some other activity before you do a raid for a trading company. You don't make it to level 5 in one go which means manual sailing, not maxing profit and rep or sacrificing one set of loot to dive to another event.

  3. I am seeing these raid voyages are not worthy doing. They take to long to do and give you very few loot and rep. Its better to just do the normal events. Plus now We can't stack level 5 emissary voyages anymore. I think the grind is worse

  4. A few questions from somebody way too thirsty for the skelly curse
    A: Can you do raid voyages for reapers to get reaper chests?
    B; What is considered an uncontested raid voyage
    C; Does this mean that every naturally spawning world event will eventually be taken by someone else through a raid voyage?

  5. Is there anything known about the difficulty of the world events being altered for raid voyages? I had a feeling the Ashen Winds for example was defeated quicker than normal, could just be a feeling tho, as the ghost fleet I did afterwards seemed just the same

  6. Are these raid voyages worth it for Athena’s Fortune or no. Also I do find it kinda annoying now that we don’t have nearly as much loot as we used to on the seas. I know I lot of it is worth more but it is fun to have a giant pile of treasure

  7. The new fleet of fortune is cool, I took one on the other day and completed it uncontested. It dropped a load of loot.
    I also came across a fort of fortune that another player was doing, I sunk them then continued the fort. The final boss was an annoying ashen. I made the mistake of going on my ship to try and use cannons. The boss threw those lava rocks that bombarded my ship. There was nothing I could do, before I could repair the holes and/or put out the fires the boss would launch another. Eventually my boat sank and i died, which I probably should have done before… I spawned at a nearby island and was able to sail back over and had the aggro off my ship because of that. It would've been advantageous for me to sink earlier… i couldn't sail away wither because my mast was down and I wasn't able to repair it for long enough to sail away.

  8. OK i have a big question. I need sunken barnacle chest so do they stil spawn on skeleton fleet when I dive with gold hoarders? And second concern if I’d just sail to this event old fashioned way there will be a good chance that it was already claimed by someone and there won’t be any barnacle chest’s there either.. am I’m right?

  9. It's been a great season so far. You can really tell the difference between the people who read and watched the videos explaining the new loot versus those who just jumped on and flamed after seeing less treasure😂

  10. They literally ruined! RUINED THE VOYAGES COMPLETELY! Buried treasures are one type of chest. You only receive one map with either 2 chest or 3 chest. If you cancel and try to get a different island with more chest. It gives you the same island with the same amount of 3 chest. Buried treasure were a lot of fun to do with different types and rarity chests. Getting more than 3-4 maps with one voyage quest. That even included a map that had over 8-9 chest in a single island!!

    Season 11 is the worst season of sea of thieves!

  11. An unmentioned buff is that since each individual piece of treasure is much more valuable, you're able to load it on your ship MUCH faster. That, and drive-by-sells when being pursued will be much more profitable to pull off

  12. Although the ressources are way less than emergent world events, I really like the idea of loot for a specific company. Makes it easy to grind. And if you don’t agree with that, you can simply do the emergent world events.

  13. I generally dive to a raid, drop a commission, (don't remember what they renamed them too), hit the closest sea fort, generally a skelly ship pops up clear it, sell drop emi re raise than dive again. I mainly do OOS, I'm top 40 global emissary score so I do it quite a bit. Not sure what routes would be beneficial for the other emis. Maybe ill check out GH tonight when I get on see what's best for me. Im also solo most of time, probably a more efficient way with another person

  14. Do the naysayers hear themselves? "I chose to do a raid event for a faction which immediately got me there uncontested and only got that factions loot which was worth less than getting mixed loot from sailing there organically" You're literally trading faction specific loot for rep over a total gold earned count. You can't complain that there's less loot goldwise when YOU decided that was your play! Don't like the payout? Don't dive! Roll the dice and take what comes with it, you're a pirate after all

  15. Raid voyage loot is on par with ghost fleet loot in terms of value. The sea master chests usually net around 1500 a pop, that being said you're gonna wanna be doing ashen lords at the minimum because I've tried sea forts, sunken shrines and sunken treasuries and they only net you about 3 items for the first 2 and like 5 maybe 6 on treasuries, not worth the time tbh. Also ashen lords are the first one that actually drops any variant of the new "super" loot item for the companies.

    Also the game will spawn you on events that are actively being worked on, I dived for an ashen lord and when I came up there were 3 guys on a brig fighting it.

    Something I'm genuinely worried about is how much the new company uniforms are gonna cost, considering the regular pieces of the basic set / equipment are anywhere from 300k to 875k. I just started playing again after several months and I only have like 270k it's gonna be rough when I found out they cost like 3 mil a pop.

  16. I do enjoy doing the sea fort raid voyage as regardless of the smaller reward it still has its large stock of supplies so before I do my planned voyages, I buy a storage crate and clear a sea fort voyage. Within a span of a short time, have a good chunk of change to sell back at a port and more then enough supplies to last me the session.

  17. What I think is rare is trying to get us off our high (selling BIG stacks). Also I see raid voyages as a good emmisary starter. I dive to one and then once done I either go sell then dive for an ashen medley, or do a normal medley then sell. The emmisary quests and emergent stuff is just a nice bonus. Note: I haven’t really done athena yet.

  18. the raid voyages suck in comparison to just doing them normally

    first thing i did when i got on is take on a raid on fort of the damned with merchants
    got 3 crates which did barely anything for leveling it up compared to the normal amount of loot the forts hold
    on top of that it wasn't the higher tier loot it was basic ass loot
    when doing a normal fort of the damned gives chests of the damned ashes of the damned skulls of the damned etc

    personally i think just go for normal world events or other voyages

  19. I only started playing in season 9, and already it's pretty funny watching the cycle:

    Rare – announces new season
    Everyone – game is dead
    Season releases
    Everyone 2 weeks later – this is fine


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