r/AccidentalRacism – It's about COVID… Right??

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31 thoughts on “r/AccidentalRacism – It's about COVID… Right??”

  1. When you play raid shadow legends and type in the german word "lohnt" it gets censored to "***nt", so "loh" is the no-no part and i dunno why. Btw "lohnt" in context would be like "es lohnt sich", which translates to "it's worth it". Just so that noone is confused what nonsense i am spouting xD

  2. I remember when I was a kid at a restaurant, and me and my older brothers had this coloring book, and one of the characters in the book had flaming hair (this was before Johnny Test aired on CN); my older bros referred to him as “hot head” and I chimed in and referred to him as “hottie~!” In a very passionate tone of voice. The entire restaurant has a good laugh that day.

  3. we have literally every other race that can look like an animal and people laugh and don't have a problem with it, hell women can look like their dogs and no one bats an eye, but point out black people can look like an animal and everyone freaks the hell out. the algorithm isn't racist, it just sees the resemblance, and its like a child in the way it has no filter.

  4. Fingerprint sensors do match 1:5000 people.
    Face recognition is more accurate — but less than a factor of 10.
    Do remember that keys for locks are also not unique. There are only ~9 different cut depths (and not all combinations are allowed) and 4-8 pins …

    9 settings and 8 pins (high end!) … 9^8 = 43 million.
    9 settings and 5 pins: … 9^5 = <60,000

  5. 20:12 it's probably an old Mormon cartoon. There's this section of the book of Mormon detailing how one of the 2 lost tribes of Israel who went to America (I know, just bear with me) were cursed with dark skin to reflect their sin, and if they repented and accepted jesus or something, they would be restored back to purity.
    nowadays Mormons I think interpret it as a "spiritual" darkening, but back then they very much interpreted "dark" as in "native American"

  6. The peanuts comic with them at lunch has the one kid (idk his name) on his own because of the outrage from conservative parents about them featuring a black kid at all, so that was the only way they could even have them all together

  7. Click. click. CLICK…. I love you man. I do I've seen soooo sooo many of your videos. Please for the love of all that is unholy TURN THAT FUCKING POP FILTER THE RIGHT WAY UP AND STOP MAKING ME SCREAM AT YOU THE WHOLE DAMN VIDEO. please for my sanity. i beg of you.

  8. I know KKK has such a negative history in USA but here in the Philippines, it stands for freedom fighters. KKK here means "Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan" which roughly translates to "Honorable and Respectable Katipunan, sons of the Philippines". These were the revolutionaries in our history who fought the Spaniard colonists and ousted them from our country. Many of which are now heralded as National Heroes. So if you ever hear a Filipino praise the KKK, they're not talking about the US version.

  9. Ha you think for Black History month the worst thing you could give someone who's black is cotton balls try giving them chains and whips and then into BDSM that would be more awkward in disturbing you just open it and it just be little like iron chains and bullets I don't know how you going to explain yourself out of that hole


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