Quranist Reacts – The Sunnah is "hermeneutically" more powerful than the Qur'an? – Part 2

#QuranistReacts #QuranicIslam #Sunnah

Part 2

Original video @TheThinkingMuslim

Part 1 is here; https://youtu.be/NGW1LWkhIK4

2:44 Pacifying by means of irrelevant rhetoric
5:22 Not true for the Qur’an
8:28 verse “Mighty Book”, Q41:41
10:10 verse “Exalted” book, Q43:03
10:35 the Qur’anic power of guidance, Q39:23
12:20 the Qur’anic paradigm “muhkamat” vs interpretation Q3:7
14:10 Real power is in the muhkamat
16:16 We are the interpreters, not the Prophet
17:37 verse Q38:29, “sent YOU so that THEY may interpret …”
19:25 Qur’an has been made easy vs the locked of heart
24:30 Then scholars are hermeneutically even more powerful
26:00 Qur’an is actually hermeneutically more powerful
29:50 Narrations muddle up the Qur’an
41:05 Sunnah/hadiths don’t interpret the Qur’an
44:05 Real questions answered by the Qur’an, Q25:32
50:00 Prophet never said to follow his Sunnah after him
55:25 Ghadeer Kumm – Qur’an & ‘itra
1:03:05 Why ‘itra of Ahlul Bayt?
1:10:40 ‘itra are a defense against the mujrimeen, enemies of Prophethood
1:11:20 Prophet’s Sunnah alone is not enough?
1:14:00 obedience to rulers & their sunnahs
1:17:05 Prophet’s sunnah not enough without sunnah of Caliphs?
1:20:25 “Obey the devils!” – sunnah is the bridge
1:23:40 The words of Shayateen mujrimeen cause the Qur’an to be abandoned
1:25:55 Sunnahs of Caliphs are all different
1:28:05 Following anyone’s sunnah is not madatory
1:28:46 Summary – 8 points
1:34:33 Extra

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21 thoughts on “Quranist Reacts – The Sunnah is "hermeneutically" more powerful than the Qur'an? – Part 2”

  1. This will be very interesting.
    For those who think that Rasool brought his own sunnah, ponder this:

    If it were not for Allah Sending Quran, would we even know that such a person as Muhammed, ever existed?

  2. So the hadith are false? I remember hasan al maliki say that 90% of them are false, but I wonder which of them are true exactly. Like the ones about Muhammad's life and Aisha etc

  3. It's nice to see a part 2 to this. On your point of "Sunnah/hadiths don't interpret the Qur'an", another perspective (which I have mentioned before I believe) that I have is that having some less authentic (or even authentic at all) like the hadith which even within Sunni scholars are disagreed upon as to which are authentic and which are not, is nonsensical as you're using something less authentic to to interpret something more authentic. If anything, it should be the other way around.

    However, I have a question on the point where you stated that "We are the interpreters". How do we reconcile the differences among each other in Quran-centric circles who look at the same Qur'an, yet come to slightly (or largely) different conclusions based on the same verses?

  4. Salam thanks for both parts of the video.
    May I suggest you reconfigure the microphone because you sound kinda cloudy for a lack of a better word.
    Anyway jazakallah for your content.

  5. This is a very interesting case put forward.
    The point regarding the suport of tyrants is very compelling.
    There are lots of discussion points I’d love to speak about as the contrast of this is the movement of the Shia (zaidi) who identified as markmaking kharuj against these very tyrants. Now it seems this distinction between the two is very significant given the points you made. Love to have a deeper discussion with you away from the public on this and related issues.

  6. lol, jonathan brown is the same guy who says:
    1. insulting Mohammad(PBUH) is the pinnacle of free speech.(freedom of speech is ok, but praising a terrible action as "pinnacle" is not).
    2. validating qawm lut actions.
    So, these liberal hypocrites are not here nor there.

  7. Excellent presentation my dear brother! and I will surely have to watch it again inshaAllah.

    Just wanted to add my 2 cents worth at around 1:23:50 of your video. If we even look to the verses just before verse 25:30, it reads:

    "" And the Day the wrongdoer will bite on his hands [in regret] he will say, "Oh, I wish I had taken WITH THE MESSENGER A WAY (ma'arrasooli sabeela). Oh, woe to me! I wish I had not taken that one as a friend. He led me away from THE REMEMBRANCE (aththikri) after it had come to me. And ever is Satan, to man, a deserter."" {25:27-29}

    As you can see, the wrongdoer will regret not taking A WAY with the Messenger! What is this WAY (sabeela) with the Messenger? Is it the so-called Sunnah?? If that was the case, then verse 25:30 should read:

    My Lord, my people of abandoned MY SUNNAH.

    But this is not the case is it?Obviously, the WAY (sabeela) of the Messenger was the Qur'an and nothing but the Qur'an!

    Keep up the great work my brother and may Allah bless you fir your amazing contributions.

    Peace 😊

  8. I will not go into refutal details as I didn't watch Brown's video. I just want to point out a couple of things:
    1) We don't know what the prophet left to us in regard to quran, we don't know if he told people to write it down and have it collected into a book. We do not have historical evidence of any of that. We only have Uthamic quran.
    2) If you read quran in chronological order you will see how Quranic preaching changes from being a suppressed minority group to becoming a majority with influence and dominance

  9. Salam Alaikum good assessment also in a way emphasising how the Quran is Furqan when comparing to other literature…Two things I want to ask ..first one bit controversial related to blasphemy law ..as you mentioned the caliphs introduced their own tradition or sunnah .were they the one who introduced blasphemy law for prophet.. Secondly my observation is that Quran is word of God .but the current book version i believe it is created …Does it matter Quran is created or uncreated.Immense polarisation because of that ..The Guidance aspect and personal relationship with Quran and God is neglected..

  10. Still watching but this channel is gold. So many frustrations and growing suspicions that I've had, you have deconstructed without compromising or diluting Allah's word. I will need to do a whole lot more digging on all this but sincerely, thank you for this brilliant analysis & channel as a whole.


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