Queens & Heroines: Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, and Elizabeth I | Extra Long Documentary Pt. 1

The Ascent of Civilization – Extra Long Documentary Part 1: https://youtu.be/BdYiQiIdoI8

This Get.factual Extra Long Documentary explores the lives of three formidable and iconic women who defied the societal norms of their times and played pivotal roles in history: Cleopatra, the intelligent and strong-willed ruler of Egypt, known more for her strategic alliances than her supposed beauty; Joan of Arc, a young French girl from humble beginnings who, driven by divine conviction, altered the course of the Hundred Years War before being tragically executed; and Queen Elizabeth I of England, who, despite being born in a time when women were underestimated, reigned for 45 years and solidified her legacy through the Elizabethan Age, setting the stage for the British Empire.

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9 thoughts on “Queens & Heroines: Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, and Elizabeth I | Extra Long Documentary Pt. 1”

  1. You know why it's 'tradition' that Brit servicemen aren't allowed to wear the medals & awards given to them from foreign countries? – Because Elizabeth I decreed that her 'dogs will only wear my collars'. – give or take.

  2. Rome was a deeply patriarchal society so they couldn’t stomach the idea of a woman in power like Cleopatra. Cleopatra was a very capable ruler, in her 22 years in power there wasn’t a single revolt against her in Egypt.

    Caesar’s murderers (Senators) just couldn’t understand that the Roman people didn’t trust the Senate, that it was seen as corrupt and ineffectual. They were too shortsighted to realize that the Republic wasn’t working anymore, that murdering Caesar wouldn’t solve the problem.


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