Quazii Reacts: "FFXIV Community Has a BIG Problem"

Quazii reaction to “The FFXIV Community Has a BIG Problem” by Lynx Kameli – link to OG video below.

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#ffxiv #finalfantasyxiv #ff14

OG Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-qn0y-UL0w

0:00 Realities of Being a FF14 Content Creator
3:40 The Concept of VOCAL MINORITY
6:00 Personal Attacks Are Not Okay – But Do Not Feed The Haters
12:25 WoW vs FFXIV Communities Respond Differently To Criticisms?
15:52 FFXIV ‘Extreme Hatred’ for WoW Refugees?
22:13 Personal Opinions are 100% Great, BUT That Does Not Invalidate Others Opinions
26:10 Compromise is a TWO-WAY Street
30:15 Idealism vs Realism: Yoshi-P Cannot Do It All
35:50 Feedback is Constructive Only When It Is Realistic
39:00 4 Concluding Thoughts


32 thoughts on “Quazii Reacts: "FFXIV Community Has a BIG Problem"”

  1. The issue with the "sprouts should compromise for vets in dungeons" argument is that the veteran is equipped to make that compromise for a sprout, and sometimes the reverse is not true. I remember running grand cosmos as a newly maxed out healer a little overwhelmed by the fast pulls bc I was not used to my abilities yet. I thankfully had a tank friend who ran it to farm glam with me, and on each run he amped up the pull size a bit more so I could learn and get comfy gradually. Slamming wall to wall pulls on a new healer without warning will almost always lead to wipes and harsh feelings.

  2. The FFXIV community is so diverse. I'm a legacy player and a filthy cutscene watcher that does Savage Raids and dressed up my lizard girl most of the time. I have static members who dgaf about the story and just want to raid. I have IRL friends that don't get the hype surrounding Hildebrand. I have FC mates and are omnicrafters with hundreds of millions of Gil because that's what the game is to them.

    Not even mentioning RP, nightclubs, house designers, or achievement hunters. FFXIV is not a monolith and I eyeroll at the streamers and content creators who assume it is.

  3. As a sufferer of anxiety and depression, I used to be a livestreamer ( and new livestreamers tend to not get many viewers watching anyways (which is cool for my issues), I eventually finally got watchers (like 2-5), but they don't watch all the time ( which again is fine), its when some random dude comes on a game he/she doesn't like and says alot of hateful things. ( That made me go into a deeeeep shell for a year), I picked it back up again for a few months then the same thing happened again. ( Which leads me to today where I been on a hiatus for over a year.

    Its hard enough being in a body that's filled with anxiety, I don't need pointless negativity. I love Livestreaming.. just not with the random Negativity. 🙁

  4. I believe i saw this video back when it was released and i tapped out, not because he skipped the story but because of the constant " me me me me me " mentality.

    Let's be clear here there is what 3-5 ultimate raids out of what ? 600+ dungeons and raids for groups of people to do. So Lynx is speaking for a section of content that makes up less than 1% of the total amount of content in the game, while swinging his weight around like a bulldozer telling others what they should like.

    Yeah Lynx that's gonna get you one swift kick in the rear by the FF14 community. I'm very much a laidback player who will give new people the time and comprise to enjoy the game at their pace, wait for them to finish cutscenes, wipe on fights for awhile as the group comes together and learn as a whole. But i can't bring myself to tell others to stop enjoying something i might not enjoy, i simply agree to disagree and if i don't wanna partake, i exclude myself. This way i'm not pissing other people off, and they can't piss me off. What a concept.

    I'm glad to hear your perspective on the matter as well Quazii, cheers for that homie. Stay safe man 🙂

  5. i been around this game since ver 1 the game has taken a turn for the worse it has been over sexualized by erp players and now its getting the woke treatment for the first time i have unsubbed because i can not deal with the constant silly political rants, and silly in fighting over sexual preference and hate towards players who play lalafells. I'm done let the haters have it.

  6. with the dungeons my philosophy basically is i wont pull as long as someone is in a cutscene but i wont slow down for someone to look at the dungeon or something. You can do that either after its finished or queue with trust

  7. I finally finished this video. I have to reiterate that I think SOME in the FFXIV youtube community have had a field day creating videos that cover drama because it gets them views. But here is no forethought into how it might contribute to the drama and toxicity. When you have more videos like that floating around than actual constructive content about the game, it will give a bad impression. I like this channel because he's more constructive about the drama than others, but would like to see less of it, just my own personal opinion, not everyones.

    WoW players do have a bad reputation in this game because a number of them flooded the game looking for high level content and unfortunately bullied the hell out of the actual ffxiv players. Word on the street, including by Zepla, is that WoW players are verbally abusive towards each other, which is not something ffxiv players are used to. But even so, you won't see the entire community treating WoW players like crap, which is ironic because as I said, they come from a community of blood thirsty raiders frothing at the mouth who treat each other the worst possible way. It's understandable some WoW players who aren't about that want to raid in peace and are finding equivalent, if not better raid content in ffxiv. I don't care if they skip the story, they may come back later and do it, you never know.

    But because of the flood, the WoW players who come in and aren't totally D-bags to the people in their statics and who actually enjoy the raids, have been lumped in with the aforementioned. So I get it, but that youtuber is adding fuel to the fire. He makes some really good points, and other points are probably just personal issues, and not inherent issues of the game. Best to just ignore the bad behavior, bad comments. You can block people, report them, etc. You don't have to have them in your circle. And also, just because a few people are being jerks towards you doesn't mean everyone feels that way. Also, youtube comments are not the opinion of the whole community.

  8. Also, someone mentioned there are several videos out there complaining about toxicity in this community… so are these WoW youtubers possibly just stirring up drama to give FFXIV a bad reputation since their game isn't doing so well?

  9. I've never really talked about toxic WoW players in FFXIV, but this guy absolutely is one. I seriously cant believe he had the gall to complain about people coming at him for his opinion, and then later said that a certain opinion should be "thrown in the trash" and complain about having haters, and then say that "making people uncomfortable is illegal". What a hypocritical crybaby. Jeez.

  10. i love the game but always felt like Alphinaud was out to steal credit for my deeds all the time love the game Alphinaud always out to steal my thunder thou at the risk of getting grilled that little sociopath demoted me from main character. Anyway your allowed to post opinion be it negative or positive but its defiantly better to highlight positive

  11. i have been so involved with several FF14 streamers and its been a real hoot playing with them. the members of their communities have been very friendly, and welcoming. hell, i even managed to join a static of one of the streamers i watch despite the fact i am basically a noob when it comes to endgame raids.

    there is toxic players, absolutely. i never have a shortage of people who seem to not understand the first thing about playing a healer or how to tank properly and often make a 15 min dungeon into an hour long one, at the same time, i see many people who are more willing to struggle to learn fights by throwing themselves into the wall over and over until eventually, you knock down the wall.

  12. Yikes, it feels like the man is demanding understanding and empathy while being completely unwilling to give either back and on the way out throwing a "and you all suck because you don't agree".
    And to top it all off what he's asking for isn't even reasonable. Content for a small percentage of population instead of content for everyone? It's not as if ultimate raiders just HATE Adventurer Plates or Island Sanctuary or something.

  13. I want to add I was bracing for something like what I saw in the comments hitting the Nobbel guy. Man was just having a good time and people were being insufferable to him because "he didn't take the story seriously" or some bull. However his worst examples were of people basically saying "Hey man, I politely disagree, I am out"?

  14. He very much comes across as someone that is self centered but tries to appear morally superior. He can't say the community can't handle criticisim and ignore his opinions whilst in turn not taking any criticism or outside opinions on board.

  15. I think it's fine he's not interested in the story as long as he doesn't critique it. Can't offer critique to something he didn't try. I didn't hear him say anything specific on the story or don't know the history if he did. But I had no problems in this video with how he presented his particular views on the MSQ.

    He does come off a little aggressive on what he thinks would make the game better, but doesn't go to far as to be abrasive. I've never really done any hardcore raiding myself, so debatably I probably wouldn't benefit on more Raids/hardcore content outside of maybe watching others do it. He's entitled to his opinion just like anyone else, hope he's doing well though. His videos likely helped a good portion of the FFXIV community while he was still doing them.

    Weirdly enough, a lot of what he's asking for is slowy coming into the game: Harder/Savage level 4-person dungeon content, harder Raids (to some people's detriment), and a new deep dungeon coming in Endwalker sometime.

  16. It's one of the best games out there for what it offers. When someone only experiences a small part of what is offered, their opinion becomes watered down and confined to what they know about the game. There's a lot I do not know about the game nor have experienced, but from what I have seen, it is overall a very satisfying experience and the community as a whole has been very kind and helpful (not to mention tolerant). I've only had one occurrence where another player was toxic enough towards me to cause me to leave the instance I was with them in. I was leveling WM and was getting a lot of flak from one of the DPS because the run was not going as smoothly as he/she liked. In the end, I just apologized to the group and left, commenting (out of frustration) "So much for the community".

    In the end, most experiences with other players has been enjoyable, but it only takes one bad run-in to stick in your mind. I've moved on from that experience and resumed enjoying playing with the community, which has been very welcoming since I started playing a year ago. I still feel like I'm new (after 1200+ hours played) as there is so much undiscovered in the game for me.

  17. This dude is up his own ass. Yeah no shit everyone wants more content but time and money are limited. Saying a casual player is less invested in the game compared to an "elite" player is bullshit.

  18. ff14 isn't perfect. Honestly i feel like most of the community are reasonable people. Its when people complain about stuff they have not experienced or skipped that annoys the community. IE people shitting on the story when they bought a story skip or complaining about high end content when they have not attempted it.

    The funny thng about the ff community hating on wow players. The biggest ff14 content creators are wow refugees. Zepla is a wow refugee. Rich "stall King" Cambell, Pyromancer, Preach, etc.

  19. Literally the first “negative” comment Lynx showed was a person saying “I don’t think it is a wrong way of playing the game” but rather a person who skips the story in a RPG is telling us his opinion lacks the context to be informed. If I told you I was critiquing savage raiding after watching a video of someone else playing it, how would you weigh my opinion?

    I’m sure there are people in FF14’s community that are genuinely rude and irrational in their defense of the game. It would be absurd to suggest otherwise. What I’ve seen, though, from people making this claim is civil disagreement. You are not required to even hear, let alone accept, my opinions. You are not required to give them a fair consideration. That’s your loss when you fail to consider opinions, but the simple truth is that you always will disregard some opinions while regarding others. You wouldn’t get anything done if you had to listen to every opinion someone has about a topic.

    This is a great lesson in how to give your opinions. Telling a person you ignored a substantial part of it first is nonsensical. I watched a movie last week, but I didn’t care about the visuals, so I listened to it from a different room. Why don’t you give my opinion on the film as a whole any weight? Lynx tried to present his opinion as fully informed while admitting it was not whatsoever, then got angry his audience rejected it. That’s on him.


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