Quackity Plays The Scariest FNaF Game Ever

Spooky rage.
Watch Quackity Live: https://www.twitch.tv/quackity
Streamed on: January 6, 2022
Twitch VOD Link: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1255336195

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Thanks to Retroity for running this channel: https://twitter.com/Retroity


45 thoughts on “Quackity Plays The Scariest FNaF Game Ever”

  1. I was also on this stream there's just some times that Quackity confronted the chat, and even said to ban a person, idk who tho, but all in all, Quackity did really good on this, especially since he hadn't seen anyone play this game before, you did good Alex!

  2. Honestly people complained about the big captions or at least mentioned it, but I cannot read the teensy captions on anyone else’s, they have a giant monitor and I have a tiny screen and awful eyesight that glasses can’t even help most of the time. My phone text settings are the second to biggest cause otherwise I have trouble seeing it without holding my phone to my face closer than I should really


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