Puzzle Combat Calendar of Events – February 2024

Welcome one and all!
This is the Calendar Preview video for February 2024!

Copy of this and all past / future calendars can be found on the Puzzle Combat Community Discord Server. Invite link is below, all are welcome 🙂

I hope that this content is good and useful to one and all. Please feel free to like, subscribe, share the content.
Most importantly, please drop me a comment on the videos with your thoughts or questions on the heroes!!

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* Master Weapon – 29 Jan
* Zombie Outbreak – 1 Feb
* Manor of Legends – 5 Feb
* Monster Island – 8 Feb
* Undercover Gala – 12 Feb
* Raiders of the Wasteland – 15 Feb
* Neon City (S2) – 21 Feb
* Master Weapon – 26 Feb
* Mercenary Event – 29 Feb

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PayPal Donations: https://paypal.me/TheGuvsGaming?country.x=AU&locale.x=en_AU

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheGuvsGaming

Puzzle Combat Community Discord: https://discord.gg/5M2Z2aXSqV

Puzzle Combat Invite (Free VIP): https://invite.puzzlecombat.com/31C5085

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Video Details

Series: Puzzle Combat Calendar Preview
Title: February 2024
Upload Date: 03 February, 2024
Game: Puzzle Combat

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#puzzlecombat #guvsgaming #Calendar


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