Putting the pieces back together


47 thoughts on “Putting the pieces back together”

  1. Always good to get up to date readings on commodities. See Below

    Yeah those things. Your INFLATION DATA folks is months behind. Is the following data 2.8% Inflation??? The things below that go into things that you buy…

    You are underwater on your mortgage.

    You have a horrible mortgage renewal coming

    You bought a house with no money down

    You are broke my friends and getting more broke every day.

    Keep voting liberal. Soon that cardboard box you will live in will have your neighbors in it.

    Orange Juice +45%

    Natural Gas +43%

    Sugar +41%

    Gasoline +33%

    Uranium +28%

    Oil +24%

    Lean Hogs +22%

    Soybeans +16%

    Iron Ore +15%

    Coal +14%

    Wheat +14%

    *Bloomberg terminal data **ALERT: Inflation expectations at a nine-year high.

  2. You have a choice next election. Opportunity or Bankruptcy.
    My neighbor said I just don't trust Polievre. I said so you'd rather go bankrupt? How could he be any worse than the guy that tripled your mortgage payment? He said good point.

  3. If the Conservatives don't get a majority, the Liberals and NDP will form a coalition and steal the election. If you vote for anything but Conservative your family is doomed. Put your personal baggage crap aside and save this damn country. I don't care if you are left, right, centre, Marxist, Communist, etc. You have one chance left.

  4. How can anyone with an ounce of brain cells not vote for Pierre??? Instead the liberal voters who have backed blackface 3 times continue to support him…Just don't get it😢😢😢😢😢😢

  5. Excellent focused points. Important ones. I was considering renaming the country. Produce new maps. Call the country something else. Why? Because it is not the country I once knew and loved and called home. 🙁
    Recently, I went to the old byward market. I was afraid.
    So yes, I do welcome better ideas!!!

  6. After your support for far-right political extremists in this country, you can't try to rebrand yourself as a moderate. You agreed with violent demonstrators that held our capital hostage, you've worked closely with groups trying to block access to basic female healthcare (abortion), and you have no policy for climate change despite all the natural disasters we've had to deal with this summer across the country. Your policies are nowhere near the center when it comes to the majority opinions in this country. If the Conservatives want to win an election, then they need a leader who actually supports Canada's central political positions not the far right.

  7. Sorry there Poilievre. But for the last 3 years, you've been trying to SCARE Canadians into thinking that we are a shiatty place, just to get votes. Basically, you copy-pasted the US MAGAt strategy and tactics. You ALWAYS look like a little creep when you blame someone else AFTER THE FACTS, WITH 100% HINDSIGHT, for hard decisions that you NEVER had to take. You ALWAYS have this know-it-all, smirks, condescending look on your face, like the teacher's pets all have in grade school. You use PERSONAL attacks on your opposition, like a true GOP MAGAt, you push allegations as truths, and the few times when you tried to come out with a solution to our problems, you would have failed MISERABLY. Like the Bitcoin call, two months before crypto crashed. You are just a big mouth, with a populist streak, and like most hard-right conservatives, you'd cut every social infrastructure budgets, BUT you'd shore up your big business lobby friends with tax breaks, subsidies, and anti-environment lunacies to please them….
    We KNOW what you stand for, Pee-Wee. You are FOR SALE to the the voters that support your BS.

  8. While the rest of the world is selling U.S. securities (debt) Canada is going into further debt to buy billions of American debt 🤦‍♂️ 40+ billion 🧐 who is actually running this country? Canada sold its Gold reserves to the US just in time for Global commodities to drop USD and be repriced in grams of Gold, awfully coincidental 😉

  9. The Manitoba provincial election in October will give Canadians an idea of how the country is feeling. The current Conservative government there is facing the same problems Smith faced in Alberta when she lost seats to the NDP, possibly due to the dislike of PP. Canadians want to progress. Critical anaylsis of PP's promises reveal… that he can/will do little to nothing on the main issues facing Canadians, but he will drag Canada backwards on many issues, as Harper conservatives did for 9 years.

    * More Canadians vote left of centre in total federally (60.41% "left" vs 38.68% "right") and seats for the collected "left" are 64.8% vs 35.21% of the collected "right".

    * 51% of Canadians want PP to resign now and give us a different leader to consider. Nanos poll PUBLISHED JULY 8, 2023 UPDATED JULY 9, 2023

    * In the 2023 federal byelections, Liberals retained all their seats, even seats that were conservative in 2019!

  10. Very Good Report, your right lets bring it home but first before that can be accomplished, the corrupt Liberal Ideology politicians such as our P.M. should be locked up for political crimes.

  11. If you do succeed in getting a majority. You are going to have so much cleaning up to do after the Liberals and knowing how moronic, apathetic and or ungrateful Canadians are, they will probably blame you.

  12. If Pierre isn’t our next PM, Canadians will know the Chinese have full control of our elections. This is why Trudeau won’t call an inquiry. He’s our PM because of the Chinese. NDP is also controlled by China. I want to be positive about my country that I dearly love, but we are delusional. Canada’s future is in jeopardy. Pierre must win. Everything is at stake.

  13. Together we can put the pieces back together. Come on Canadians all on board! The Conservatives and Pierre can't do it alone. We all need to step up to the plate! I'm ready! ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏

  14. Justin's insane immigration quotas have driven house prices to extremes. Even if prices are brought down, there are young families who will still have to pay off incredible mortgages to the banks. Justin Trudeau and Sean Frazer have done irreparable damage to hundreds of thousands of young families, both newcomers and those from old families. These two have zero ethics and zero compassion. They are monsters in human form.

  15. My money doesn't go as far, worried for the future of my kids, I have a broken knee, no doctor, but sat and waited in the emergency room and they put me on a long wait list for a MRI. My friend who decided he was done and moved to the states, wrecked his knee dirt biking down there, has insurance through his work, had an MRI, had surgery and is now recovering within 4 weeks of the injury. I will be lucky if I find out where i am on the wait list in 4 weeks.

  16. Pierre, you need to combat CBDCs against totalitarian government WHIMS,….And defend Marriage! It’s not a question of feelings! Marriage is the MOST important social contract on the books! If we flippantly break that contract, which other contract will we respect??? Future generations depend on our respect for Marriage. Canada needs us to respect Marriage NOW. Enough! Of this silly mantra “ my marriage failed”. You BROKE THE CONTRACT, or else, ….you RESPECTED IT.❤Breach of contract should carry consequences.

  17. Global News Reports – Poilievre accuses Trudeau of "exploiting" wildfires to distract from "high-interest rate policies"

    PP won't even speak about the fires or the loss of lives out of fear he will be implicated for supporting 20 years of climate change denial while being paid by Canadian taxpayers.

  18. Living within our means! First question, if you are so far ahead in the polls, why spend $ 3 million in a make over? Why do you have twice as many shadow ministers then actual Minister's around the Cabinet table. Extra money for your MP's as well. Seems that you are not in sink with what you are selling, living within our means…

  19. Global News Reports – Poilievre accuses Trudeau of "exploiting" wildfires to distract from "high-interest rate policies"

    PP won't even speak about the fires or the loss of lives out of fear he will be implicated for supporting 20 years of climate change denial while being paid by Canadian taxpayers.


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