Putting in some of the fall garden

Cleaning up the tomato row and beds and planting collards, cabbage, turnips, mustards, and onions


10 thoughts on “Putting in some of the fall garden”

  1. Oh my word! I did a no till in my garden last year and part of it this year. This year I've seen 30 different kinds of garden pests! No kidding, 30 and I took pictures and wrote them all down to keep track. Didn't hardly get anything out of the garden this time. I'm near the bottom end of Ohio so it's not just ya'lls location. I tilled yesterday and got some greens in the ground and will be tilling up the whole garden now. I'm so glad you mentioned this, it makes sense and it's been beyond frustrating. Thank you.

  2. Brother…I so wish I was putting in a fall garden but we have been working on a stenciled mud ceiling all week and there is no end in sight. Looks like your still working up a sweat. Temps still hot down there.

  3. Beautiful video! You have a beautiful life! A BLESSED LIFE!! And you may not realize it, but you’re already homeschooling Brody. 😉👍 That child will never go hungry, and he will always remember these times with his daddy.


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