Putin's nightmare has come true: Russian jets can't move anywhere!

Putin’s nightmare has come true: Russian jets can’t move anywhere!


30 thoughts on “Putin's nightmare has come true: Russian jets can't move anywhere!”

  1. Well done! Another heroic propaganda footage recorded/shared by the west on behalf of Kiev's nazi regime (established, supported and pushed by the west since 1993, +pushed since 2014!). Simply, far away from reality on the grounds/battlefields and mid-long term economical realities. Can only assume what ideological-driven sources you all here consume / rely on on a daily basis. Good luck to everyone with this "inside-boxed" perspective/narrative on this particular subject (and multiple others beyond this one) for the rest of your life. Just poor hearts! God bless ALL the ordinary people there around the battlefields…but no grace for all the warmongers driven esp. by the west in a first place!. Just get AWAKE out there asap what was/is/going to happen geo-political!

    Russia & Belarus, you reap what you sow !
    Long live free Ukraine with all its territory !
    НАТО передаст Украине ядерное оружие
    Россия и Беларусь, что посеешь, то и пожнешь!
    Да здравствует свободная Украина со всей ее территорией!
    Слава демократии
    Слава свободы слова. Слава гордости жить в мире.
    Слава человечеству.
    Слава мир

  3. Ukraine’s much-heralded “counter-offensive” in Kherson has “failed miserably,” the Russian Defense Ministry insisted on Monday, listing estimated losses suffered by Kiev during the operation.

    Ukrainian forces had attempted to attack in three directions on orders of President Vladimir Zelensky but made no gains, Moscow explained.

    Russian troops caused “great losses” to the Ukrainian attackers during the day’s battles, a statement read. Kiev saw 26 tanks, 23 armored fighting vehicles, nine more armored vehicles, and two SU-25 ground-attack jets destroyed, while more than 560 troops were lost, according to the summary.

  4. Russian troops caused “great losses” to the Ukrainian attackers during the day’s battles, a statement read. Kiev saw 26 tanks, 23 armored fighting vehicles, nine more armored vehicles, and two SU-25 ground-attack jets destroyed, while more than 560 troops were lost, according to the summary.

  5. Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Is a lamp bought to be put under a basket or under a bed is it not to be set on a lamp stand for there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. And he said he who has ears to hear let him hear.

  6. Actually makes me proud to see the good old J39 fly again.

    It is a multirole jet.
    The best thing is you won't even need a runway, you can simply use a normal asfalt road for landing and take off… Much thanks to the delta wings.

    9:40 Indeed the left and Russia-friendly people had a knack for criticising the Griffon crashing "all the time" despite the fact it crashed a lot less than the Viggen (Thunderbolt?) during its testing phase.

  7. The Swedish griffin would be the best choice for Ukraine. It was designed to be serviced by conscripts, instead of a professional military. He is designed something like Russian fighters, work from improvised airfields. Also, it is designed to use all of the modern weapons that NATO uses. It helps that it has been around for 26 years, and has a proven track record. looking forward to seeing these in Ukraine one of these days.

  8. As reported from audio calls from Russian pilots ,3 squadrons of them have refused to fight anymore in Ukraine. One pilot was recorded saying his own son was blown out the sky in the eastern part of Ukraine. Body hasn't yet been found or returned. Crazy.


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