Putin's Last Day: Russian S-400's finally were blown up! Russian 3rd army frantically trying to flee

Putin’s Last Day: Russian S-400’s finally were blown up! Russian 3rd army frantically trying to flee


31 thoughts on “Putin's Last Day: Russian S-400's finally were blown up! Russian 3rd army frantically trying to flee”

  1. Ett smart drag av Putin att lägga Atomvapen i Vit Ryssland. Används dom, blir det svårt att skjuta på Moskva. Vitrysslands befolkning blir offren.
    Angående alkoholisten Medveded , kämpar han nu för att bli Rysslands nästa President.
    Gud förbjude att det händer !

  2. Putin's doing more damage in Russia than UKRIANE uprisings across the Kremlin and breakage of civil is crippling Russia economy and politically destroying any hope of stability in Russia SLAVA UKRAINE VICTORY ON UKRAINE'S DOORSTEP

  3. What is thaat stupid strategy?Ukrainan soldiers not see a single Russian soldiers,only group of 5-6 soldiers who atack.Bahmout is simple trup ower a year,and noone see simple fact?People die for others stupidity.l dont understand noone defeat nuckear piwer lije Russia,or China!What is wrong for people?

  4. These s-400 sites need attacked one by one with kamikazi drones over and over till none are left on the field. To be effective they must at some moment stand in an open area for their use. The problem is they can be hidden till trotted out. Every unit must be tracked and labeled. Being used to bombard Kharkive was very annoying and was a typical Ruzzian wasting exercise.

  5. This video would be more entertaining if you replaced the video footage with beautiful women dancing while you read the script. The stupid music is annoying and does not add any value to the video.


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