Putin's Downfall is Inevitable as Moscow's Heroes Plot a Civil Coup


37 thoughts on “Putin's Downfall is Inevitable as Moscow's Heroes Plot a Civil Coup”

  1. The world is waiting. What are you waiting for Russians??
    Putin is a joke. Putin is mentally ill and needs a doctor.
    Get Putin out and there will be peace โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ. Praise God ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
    Slava Zelensky.
    Slava Ukraine soldiers and those who are helping Ukraine. God bless. Puji Tuhan!!

  2. More power to the russian heros to overcome putin's wall he hides behind. People power has never made putin change his distorted view of the war. But it can, if you overcome the police forces. This is something the russian army vould do.

  3. russia your entitled to elect any dictator you like under a demoracy, but you have to make sure he has no involvement in
    the election process. this dictator is going to give you 400000 casualties by the end of this year.

  4. A military coup, ousting and unseating Putin,, is the only way to end his war of destructions, lost of more lives and properties and the threat of nuclear disaster in the baltic region,, they must stop Putin's long years of wickedness, deceptions, craziness, lunacy, insanity, greed for weaith, power, control, domination, purging, elimination and evil doings upon his people..

  5. What about to incite coups in Mexico, Canada,etc And than 8yrs arms deliveries
    , soldier's training…how will US react? The same happened in UKR. We, pensioners, good remember so called Cuban crises.

  6. The dead are on display throughout Russia and in Ukraine. You cannot deny the many graveyards. But don't just count the dead, count those left behind without husbands, sons, and thousands of missing young men.

  7. Hell, according to Russia and Putin, they are the angels of the world and have never lost a battle of any kind. The naivety or fear of the Russian people towards Putin's leadership allows them to gobble up all this false propaganda that is put out as news.

  8. Greetings โ—‡
    Us long us you keep the ""RUS DEFENCE FORCE on the hoofs ~@~
    And the Ukrainian Defence Force personnel deciplien is maintained @
    Success will be visible on the eastern horizon!โ—‡!
    Best wishes to the Ukrainian Defence Force โ˜†@โ˜†
    May the ""Lord "" child you ""ALL "" in the fields of ""#Armageddon #""

  9. Why would anybody want to invade Russia. No one wants a country full of lying ,,thieving, murdering baby killers ,that is what russia is, the decent civilians that are left , TAKE YOUR COUNTRY BACK BEFORE IT is CO

  10. The worst lie that is shown by the western medias are like this lie. Russia destroyed many many parts of ukraine and destroyed NATO forces and controlled parts . Still medias say Russia is in problems. Ukraine lost in the wars and NATO lost too. 30 nations are fighting against russia , shame , medias worsen the situations because they lie and lie produce lie.


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