Putin UNLEASHES Revenge Attack As Zelenskyy Gets CRUSHING NEWS!

The United Kingdom backs out of Fighter Jets For Zelenskyy and Ukraine while Putin orders Russian Federation Army to launch revenge attack with aerial missile attack. Vladimir Putin launches revenge attack on Ukraine for Zelenskyy trying to secure fighter jets. The United Kingdom walks back their willingness to provide jets and Iโ€™ll share why later. Elon Musk turns off satelitte internet for Ukraine and the military shoots down an unidentified airial craft over Alaska.

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45 thoughts on “Putin UNLEASHES Revenge Attack As Zelenskyy Gets CRUSHING NEWS!”

  1. The No 1 spying nation is the Murican but can't accept the possibility of another nation on them.

    What have been said is without strong evidence, typical of war mongering nation.

    We have lost trust in the Murican to uphold Peace. War is their interest, otherwise they wont be in, in so many countries. Statistics speaks for itself.

  2. May I ask a question please. I am a UK citizen. Why are USA taxpayers happy for your government to waste your money on the Ukraine. Why your Mr Biden stated on TV he would blow up the gas pipes and it happened. Why it's ok for Ukraine to use chemical weapons but USA went into Iraq when they thought that chemical weapons none ever found.

  3. Yes, Disney is getting ready to cut off 5000 employees. Also, it is rumors Disney wants sell Hulu. So, many shows, and good shows made by Hulu are on hold until later or not at all. Some the producers of these shows are looking elsewhere in other Streaming networks.

  4. Question: Why do I hear how corrupt and dishonest this administration is, but no one doubts the Ukraine defense narrative? You say there's nothing Ukraine can do. They can grow a backbone, tell the West to butt out and negotiate a settlement. But we know neither Zelensky nore NATO care about one life there. It's all about elimination of Russian competition. Magazine photo shoots and Parisian shopping sprees while conscripting 16 year olds back home, a leader, really? No public outcry? Oh yeah. I forgot. We're not supposed to see any real news. Poor Ukrainian and Russian speaking independents are being used like disposable matchsticks.

  5. So videos showing men that could be Ukrainians with small RC drones with what could be gas canisters smaller than soda cans brings up the possibility of crimes against humanity. Throttling back the bandwidth would increase the latency of video transfer from the drones or disable video transmission. Investigations are underway. Bogus stories or Geneva convention lines being crossed IDK.

  6. At 6:00 you were speaking about Ukraine using Jets and tanks to defend themselves. It does not matter what we give them because this war has already been decided! America should have let the peace treaty happen at the start!! Our government looks like a bunch of morons run it and we are gonna lose bigly!!

  7. Ohhhhhh c'mon. Do you expect the US Government to come forward & say it was just a weather balloon ? Do you really believe the US Government could say anything other than 'spying'. Please, don't be so naive. The reason Biden is brushing it off is because it REALLY WAS a weather balloon ! ….. Remember what Macgreggor said about balloons ?

  8. Putin is not the cause of the damage in Ukraine, the US is the cause ! …. If you had of let Ukraine fend for itself from day one, the war would have ended in March 2021. Well done US, well done !!!!

  9. China spying on another country? How outrageous! What civilised nation behaves so shamelessly in this day & age? Because civilised nations keep their technology & army within the geographical limits of its own country, right? Hahaha

  10. No. They didn't spy on American citizens. They spied on the American military. Every major power spys on rivals: foes and friends alike.
    There's nothing to be gained by China from spying on ordinary American citizens. China would do well to prepare themselves for war because they are next after Russia in America's pursuit of world domination since their are the only country standing in the way of that quest.

  11. Funny that on 2001/9/11 the US was unable to shoot down 2 or 3 plains but are capable of shooting a balloon, so who's kidding who? Why would China or any other spy on US? Israel has all the politicians in their pockets with some pics, audio and video footage where they are in flagranti with little kids and some baby sacrificing .

  12. Ukraine started the war not Russia and United States involved itself for no reason over Crimea the west are constantly provoking Russia and will end up causing WW3 to protect war criminal like zelensky


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