Putin just got terrible news! Ukraine DESTROYED Russian Navy in the Crimean harbor with US Hammers!

Putin just got terrible news! Ukraine DESTROYED Russian Navy in the Crimean harbor with US Hammers!


41 thoughts on “Putin just got terrible news! Ukraine DESTROYED Russian Navy in the Crimean harbor with US Hammers!”

  1. It is no scret now that putins unbrilliant idea to invade Ukraine and then throw away a half million young people trying to carry out another unjust war putin is now world famous for murdering innocent women and children wholesale everywhere he goes innocent people just dies why do people still feel sorry for putin he is nothing but a war criminal now and wanted everywhere in the world.

  2. Russia is 24/7 building up its military power and has not yet used the horrific weapons it has so before anyone claims victory just look back to the beginning and then you will see that none of this was supposed to happen and would not of happened if the people supplying weapons were not going to make billions off of it.Both Russia and Ukraine were used so that others could become billionaires .

  3. Jeje nadie dice nada ya que hace dos años atras se Reian ahora todo esta en calma ahh y yo no le voy a nadie solo te eh dicho lo que pasaria con Rusia ya que por primera vez una invasion tiene que ver con' algo biblico pero los Tibios o Relijiosos no pueden ver la ofenza de putin contra Dios y es imperdonable

  4. 5/27日に新聞にロシアの凍結資産が載っていました。EUでは、年間25億ユーロ(4250億円)~30億ユーロ(5100億円)の利益をウクライナ支援に廻す。その事にEUは合意したとのことです。また、ブリュッセル国際証券決済機関には、1910億ユーロ(32兆5千億円)のロシア中央銀行の資産があるとのこと。その利益が上積みされるはずで、大変な金額になるでしょう。これらの凍結資産を活用して、ウクライナに廻すことを実行しても良いのでは、と思います。ロシアには、凍結資産の所有権はないのです。

  5. The headline said that the Russian Crimean Navy had been destroyed, but the report indicates that only SOME of the ships and boats have been destroyed. I don't appreciate such blatant exaggerations used as clickbait. I'm not likely to be fooled into listening to your reports under false headlines again.

  6. Was der Westen und Nato nicht gemacht haben.
    Das Minst Abkommen umgesetzt.
    Die Friedensverhandlungen die in der Türkei statt fanden begrüßt.
    Was sie machen.
    Eskalieren und als Kriegspartei in der Ugreine den Krieg führen.

  7. Putin would be going mental, just like Hitler went mental before he fled to let his military die in Germany while he flew out of Germany heading for Argentina. Hitler was too scared to die; just like Putin is too scared to die.


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