Putin in Shock: Ukraine dealt the biggest blow to the Russian army with a surprise single shot!

Putin in Shock: Ukraine dealt the biggest blow to the Russian army with a surprise single shot!


26 thoughts on “Putin in Shock: Ukraine dealt the biggest blow to the Russian army with a surprise single shot!”

  1. every day I hear the biggest blow how many big blows are still left if the next day you all say the same thing again and again yet the Kirch bridge is still up and running stop the drama reporting and report something positive

  2. Ultimately, Putin is evil enough that he will never admit defeat, that he was wrong. So he will resort to nuclear first strike, punishing the United States for supporting Ukraine. New York City and Washington, D.C. are THE primary targets in America. Are any of you confident of senile Joe Biden's ability to deal with any such crisis when he doesn't even know which way to turn at any publicity stunt?

  3. You can pretend all you want but Ukraine cannot beat Russia. That is just fact. Your Dictator Zelensky should seek a peace deal before we all regret what Nato is doing.

  4. So all of you uneducated people on this website obviously have no history what's going on y'all should be ashamed of yourself . Nobody wants anti -defense missiles on their country's border. Can you imagine United States what they would do if somebody put strategic missiles along the Canadian borderline or the Mexican borderline what would United States do ???? We would basically start a war .NATO is the problem United States is the problem we're the ones who created the damn thing. Putin and Russia Are defending themselves and you're about to find out that they have enough power to blow the Shit out of our country and actually start World War 3. you young people have no idea what's going on because you've been going to a liberal College that is lying to you every minute of the day. should actually get a brain and talk to your parents to know the truth behind what's actually happening. Mommy and daddy been on this planet longer than you and we definitely know what the hell's happening unfortunately some of you kids are going to the wrong place for your education.

  5. Where is S400. Pffffffttttttttt

    Where is Armata. Pffffffttttttttt

    Where is T-90. Pffffffttttttttt

    Where is BMP-T…Terminator Pffffffttttttttt

    Where is that angry crashing helo….pfffft

    Where is the SU-57. Pffffffttttttttt

    Where is any sort of Navy…Pfffft

    The list is endless.

  6. There is no value in bargaining with Putin. He lied to the public about the invasion and years ago he promised not to do it as well. Putin doesn’t keep his word any longer than he wants to keep it. This makes bargaining with Putin useless useless and meaningless..

  7. F16s are about to enter the war. Ukrainians are ensuring that they can operate the plane with minimal losses. I still think we’re about a month away before we start seeing sorties but it’s coming now for sure.


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