PUTIN Breaking News, Western officials say Vladimir Putin's war is now entering 'nearly shutdown'

PUTIN Breaking News, Western officials say Vladimir Putin’s war is now entering ‘nearly shutdown’


6 thoughts on “PUTIN Breaking News, Western officials say Vladimir Putin's war is now entering 'nearly shutdown'”

  1. Putin: dont dare to attack crimea or else there will be consequences
    Ukraine: we will attack (then boom boom in the airbase)
    Putin:ok ukrainians had bombed my airbase in crimea but when they do it 2nd time,there will be serious consequences
    Ukraine: we hear nothing we will attack(then ka boom,the ammunition depot is destroyed)
    Putin: stop the attack or else there will be serious serious and more serious consequences.
    Ukraine: yihooo we hear nothing lets continue the attack on crimea🤣🤣🤣💣💣💣💣


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