Pussy Riot joins Berlin protests mourning Navalny: “A beacon of hope”

Nadya Tolokonnikova, co-founder of the feminist band and activist group Pussy Riot, joined a protest in Berlin on Sunday, to mourn the death of Putin critic Alexei Navalny.

Tolokonnikova, a friend of Navalny, said the Russian opposition leader had been a “beacon of hope” for Russian activists and that his death would be a big blow.

“I know that people feel hopeless. I don’t know if we’re going to be able to transform this pain into rage. Preferably so – that’s why we keep doing actions. I know this is what Navalny would want us to do,” she said.

Tolokonnikova was part of the 2020 drive by Cinema for Peace to bring Navalny to Germany for treatment after he was poisoned. In 2021, she was designated a “foreign agent” by the Kremlin.

Hundreds gathered in the centre of Berlin on Sunday to pay tribute to Navalny, who fell unconscious and died on Friday after a walk at the “Polar Wolf” penal colony in the Russian Arctic, where he was serving a three-decade sentence.

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23 thoughts on “Pussy Riot joins Berlin protests mourning Navalny: “A beacon of hope””

  1. Navalny was a hero who was murdered, "'cause my TV said so." Pathetic. And the, "I support Ukraine/the latest thing" crowd of smoothbrains will eat this latest installment of baloney up.
    I'm surprised nobody thought to televise Taylor Swift's opinion on this, in addition to Clam Commotion…Minge Mania…or whatever they're calling themselves.

  2. Although Nivaldy was an inspiration Russia's freedom does not depend on this man.
    Look at the profound affect he had on Russia and then imagine ten's of millions of Russians standing up to this narcissistic bully and defeating him!

  3. Сейчас Наденька Толоконникова засмеется. Даже смех не скрывает. Не стыда, не совести.
    Из смерти Навпльного устроили шоу.

  4. These are paid protesters. Operatives. This guy who was murdered was never taken seriously by the Russian People. He was being used by the west to overthrow Putin. Why doesn’t the west take care of its own backyard ???

  5. Where’s the outrage for the Trump ruling in New York ??? No one lost a penny.. and $355 million fine ???? Crazy !!!! Any real estate developer can now be sued for fraud… thank God majority of people have realized legacy media isn’t journalism.


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