**PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH** Has The Best EVERYTHING! (First Time Watching & Movie Reaction)

Puss In Boots: The Last Wish Movie Reaction and Commentary

today we’re watching a brand new DreamWorks movie – Puss In Boots: The Last Wish – for the first time!
Death is the best villain PERIOD.
hope you’ll enjoy this reaction to Puss In Boots: The Last Wish!


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suggestions for future commentaries & reactions are welcomed


21 thoughts on “**PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH** Has The Best EVERYTHING! (First Time Watching & Movie Reaction)”

  1. I wouldn't want Death to EVER come back. He was handled so perfectly here that dragging him into sequels would just feel cheap. I will only accept Death coming back under very, very, VERY specific circumstances:

    1) Death does NOT ask for the protagonists' help. They have to seek/call upon him. It would cheapen the idea of death if he had to ask for help.

    2) Death can't be made the butt of a joke, not by the characters or the movie itself. This character and concept deserve respect, so no quips from Donkey or any other character at Death's expense, not even when he's no longer in the scene. Want to punctuate the seriousness afterward with levity by having the other characters be in disbelief that Puss knows the literal concept of Death? By all means, go nuts. Again, just don't have jokes at Death's expense.

    3) Not required, but to assist with that, it'd be cool if the camera panned behind the characters while he talked and his appearance changed depending on who was looking at him. He's certainly imposing when compared to Puss, but as intimidating as he is, he's not as daunting in terms of size to someone like Shrek. It would also help solidify Death as something that defies conventional categorization.

    4) Death CANNOT join the group. He will give them guidance/information that only he can provide. Nothing more, nothing less.

    5) Probably the most important thing: Make the end goal of the quest something that benefit's Death. Like getting rid of a villain's source of immortality or some other means of side-stepping Death. Maybe even a villain that prolongs their own life by stealing the life essence of others like the legends about Elizabeth Bathory, robbing them of their lives before their time. Something that isn't merely bad, but actively defies the concept of death and laws of nature. Without that, Death is just some errand boy that can be called upon whenever the good guys need muscle which would, again, cheapen the shit out of the character.

    6) Don't make it immediately obvious who is being contacted, have the group look for some book in an old library or something. Puss can find a tome about Death and say he's thinks he's got a lead, only for Fiona, Donkey, Shrek, or one of the other characters what weren't with him in this movie to look at the book and express great concern to the others. Puss convinces them to trust him and maybe drop a hint that this never worked for anyone else but have Puss say something about needing respect/humility for it to work.

    7) Have the summoning method be Puss whistling the same tune as Death. This one's not as important, I'd just love this to be the means by which Death is summoned and the final indicator immediately before Death shows up.

    8) Similarly to "3", do NOT have Death join a fight against the villain at the end. The reason Death chasing Puss works in this is that it's Puss' story, he's the focal point. If Death approaches the characters and fights the villain at the end then it's just Death vs the antagonist and the other characters are along for the ride. By all means, show Death watching from afar or claim the villain right before cutting away for the eagle-eyed viewer, but don't have a full-on flashy fight or Avengers-style team up. This is not the kind of character that works with that.

    9) Don't have Puss or Death acting like they're buddies, nor have Puss be super scared or have Death be pissed. Puss absolutely can be really nervous about facing Death again, and Death can be a bit irritated that he was called upon, but once the situation is explained and Death sees that the characters are giving him the respect he's due things should calm down. From there, any vitriol in Death's voice should be directed at the antagonist's actions/their heritage. Something that makes it clear that the reason he's helping the group by giving them information is due to something the antagonist is doing/has done that pisses Death off.

    10) Aside from the initial meeting and ending, never show Death again. Again, the reason his presence even BEFORE being properly introduced is that he's tied to the protagonist. We can't cheapen the character by having him show up every few minutes.

    If Dreamworks follows those ten commandments then I'll be 100% willing to see Death again.


    yesss, the new animation style is absolutely chef's kiss


    Yesss, Nisa joining us for the reaction! XD

    Help, while you've been making the same wish, I actually never wish at all on my birthdays. My mind just goes blank and all I can think is just "Stare 1, 2, 3 – now blow the candle. Quick!" 🤡✌✨

    Listen, the number of times I cried in the cinema because of Goldi and the Bears like wild hand gesture THE LOVE THAT FAMILY HAS FOR EACH OTHER IS SO REAL

    Perrito is such a gem and Death? Absolutely amazing.


    (also, i'm simping for both puss and kitty after this movie help me)

  3. It was nice to see a reactor not predict the “the wolf is death” plot twist until the actual reveal. It’s a very effective twist but too many people figure it out prematurely or at least suspect it.


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