Psychology & Skepticism SkepTalk Call In Show w/ Shannon Q 12.19.22

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12.19.22 Welcome to SkepTalk, a show promoting humanism, skepticism, and science by featuring expert hosts for a call extravaganza!

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Jimmy Snow: @JimmyASnow, Executive Producer, Owner

Thank you @faiahalo9671 for timestamps
00:00 Intro
08:50 Clarence (he/him) | Caller wants to talk about “toxic atheists.”
21:50 Joey (he/him) | Caller claims there’s “something” about humans that makes them more “special” than animals.
28:26 Mark (he/him) | Caller claims that if you take away the idea of a “soul,” there’s no way to tell why something is good or bad.
51:08 Steven (he/him) | Atheist caller had a near death experience.
1:02:06 Pip (they/them) | Caller wants to talk about gender identity relating to psychological identity.
1:14:21 Superchats

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43 thoughts on “Psychology & Skepticism SkepTalk Call In Show w/ Shannon Q 12.19.22”

  1. Sorry I'm late today, friends!
    8:50 Clarence (he/him) | Caller wants to talk about "toxic atheists."
    21:50 Joey (he/him) | Caller claims there's "something" about humans that makes them more "special" than animals.
    28:26 Mark (he/him) | Caller claims that if you take away the idea of a "soul," there's no way to tell why something is good or bad.
    51:08 Steven (he/him) | Atheist caller had a near death experience.
    1:02:06 Pip (they/them) | Caller wants to talk about gender identity relating to psychological identity.

  2. Incredible question from Joey from Michigan! A chicken or a little girl? Questions whether we are animals? You know how sometimes when you listen to someone speak, and you are impressed by the words that come out of their mouth? Joey is not one of those people.

  3. Theists keep referencing cognitive psychologist Donald Hoffman – His theory is great – ie. biological perception/interpretation is geared towards fitness not truth – which doesn't address Theism or Souls at all.

  4. Morman's believe that we pre-birth choose our family? So when an unborn "Spirit" chooses a family that are religiose zealots, have abusive parents, a sadistic big brother, are dumb as rocks… is that due to having the option to roll dice if one has a hard time choosing, lack of details in the list of choices or what? 🤨

  5. every time a theist says "i'm a skeptic", i honestly barf in my mouth a little. 

    you're not a skeptic, mark. you can't be a skeptic and believe in god or in the soul or in the supernatural generally. these concepts are fundamentally incompatible. you like the idea of being a skeptic. you like calling yourself a skeptic for the same reason you like believing in things that definitionally can't ever be proven true or false. self-aggrandizement. if you wanna be a fantasist, just be a fantasist. if you wanna be skeptic, then be a skeptic. pretending to be both cheapens both.

  6. It's actually worse than that, the ancient world was actually about 10% literate and that was the upper class elite with the money and time to spend on education. Jesus and his followers were not in that bracket.

  7. Dude complains about toxic atheists who are just mad at theists for lying to them. Toxic Theists meanwhile do things like 9/11, crusades, voting to take away rights, the list goes on. I think atheists have a right to be mad, ever day we here in America get closer to a theocracy.

  8. I love this episode! Shannon you are an amazing delicate snowflake ❄️ 🤣 you asked for that but in all honesty you are amazing 😁 Jimmy we do need you as a co host sometime. Also, last episode was a 69 joke this week is a Dez joke, love it.

  9. Mark is a "skeptic" but his lack of knowledge regarding neuroscience begs him to shove the idea of a soul into his ignorance. Why not a demonic puppetmaster instead of a soul?

  10. Dumb question Joey, an elephant would be more upset about his or her elephant family being killed than it would a human, yes we put our own species out in front as more important just like every other animal puts their own species as more important than humans, what’s your point? I find these arguments as comical coming from Christians who dehumanize people coming from the southern border and it’s ok to treat them immorally. I actually wonder how a Christian could be moral considering the things their imaginary friend does are among the worst crimes in history, worse than Hitler.

  11. I don't get these Objective morality arguments from people like Mark.
    If there is this over arching Objective set morality, would that not imply it to be universal?

    Then by that logic, you would have to say; if by some miracle you could effectively communicate with a chicken and have some moral conversation. In the scenario of running over a chicken vs. running over a 5 year old human girl, the chicken would agree that killing the human is objectly wrong while killing the chicken is just sort of meh….

    I am sorry, but that argument makes no sense to me.

  12. The best argument a theist could make boils down to Science doesn't know, therefore God. Which is just the old god of the gaps argument. Inserting "God" into any question does not answer anything, it just stops us from asking further questions. So the next inevitable equivocation comes up, "well, you have faith in science and naturalism and I have faith in God." In that case, we are misusing the definition of "faith". The two sides are not on equal footing.

  13. It seems to me that if Mark is arguing that morality cannot be explained by science, then he is admitting it is subjective. Anything that is objective, can definitionally be investigated and explained by science because it would have a cause and effect relationship. That is 100% the domain of science. If one argues it cannot be explained in terms of cause and effect, then the only way to even perceive or interact with it will be through subjective experience.

  14. If Mark can just point to where that "objective" morality is in the universe, that'd be great! Also, point to that god with a mind please. I also find funny that god seems to have a mind because we have a mind. Like wtf bro, does god hve to shit too! 🙄

  15. I thought Steven was about to be a jerk when he started, "Why else would I call …"? then he threw in "… Shannon Q". EVERYONE knows that the neuroscience is Shannon's happy place. LOL. That is her brain palace, to borrow from Sherlock Holmes.

  16. I have never understood why people would think that Jesus or anyone else in the Bible would have said the exact words they are purported to have said. One, for the reasons you stated; two, for the fact that no language is translateable word for word to another language.

  17. What is up with these callers having no awareness of their surroundings? If the wind is blowing strong into the phone, WE CAN HEAR IT. If your speaker is on, WE CAN HEAR IT. If the hosts can't hear you THEY WILL TELL YOU. jesus christ

    On a more positive note, Shannon really carried – she's awesome!!

  18. It's so frustrating tobhear theists call in about morality, and being absolute primitives who don't understand any of what they're saying, they then call it all magic, but are then confused about the "atheist position".
    Especially to then talk about truth. What EXACTLY have you done to assess the truth of your primitive soul claim?

  19. Shannon's approach in asking them how "souls" interact with the brain is a great way for any supernatural conversation. Whatever the claim, you have ALL the work to demonstrate how something not in reality could interact with things in reality.
    If Zeus is throwing lightning, at what point exactly is his fist letting go of it? We have a good understanding of lighting, and there's no room for Zeus. There's no "room" in braims for magic. It all works fine on its own, but believers in magic are trying to add this nonsense into the equation, appealing to any mystery that we have, and using the magic to fill the gaps. That literally creates more problems. You aren't explaining anything or even ADDRESSING the real mystery, you're just making up new, stupid ideas that CAN'T have answers.
    It's appalling.

  20. 1) If it is possible that Gawd exists, then gawd must exist in some possible world.

    2) However, the unstated other half "is it possible gawd exists in some possible world", is it also possible that no gawd exists in any possible world. Which pretty much dead-ends the "if possible gawd" argument.

  21. about literacy back then(6:30ish), well, shadiversity talks about medieval peasants and their literacy, i don't think it'd be too different, they might have had cryers back then, but maybe not.

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