Powerful and encouraging words from the Father about the “April Fools” and “So Many Lies” and many more. We will also be sharing photos of signs and wonders in the sky sent in by you!

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  1. Amén 🙏 glory to God Almighty. Thank you sister Diana for sharing your wisdom and discernment. Very encouraging knowledge sister.
    God bless you always.🙏♥️✝️☮️🙌

  2. Diana I'm listening to your podcast now at 1:40 in the morning here in S.C . and right when you started talking about the rolling thunder….it started lightning and ⛈️ Thundering here!!!🤯😆

  3. Thank you so much, Diana! You are such a sweet sister in the Lord! So I took up your suggestion to ask my warring angels what their names were, and I got Elyon and Wessel… I then looked up their name meanings and this is what I found : Elyon means “God most High” and Wessel means “protecting army” in German. I’m 50% German. God is so good! I thank God for my protecting angels around me and all my family. Thank you for your faithfulness. Keep up the good fight!

  4. About ignoring demons…
    Back around 2000 I suddenly awoke in the middle of the night to a presence in our bedroom that was sending me very strong feelings of fear and great dread. I had never experienced this before, but immediately recognized this as a demonic spirit. I also realized that it could not harm me or my wife who was still sound asleep.
    I considered getting up and confronting this thing in Jesus' Name and running it off, but I knew I had to get up early for work, and I really wanted to keep sleeping. So I just rolled over and ignored it, and went back to sleep. Screw him, I thought. He was gone when my alarm clock went off.
    Several months later this event repeated. Again I chose to ignore it. Just went back to sleep.
    I've often wondered if both times this spirit got his a** kicked for failing in his assignment to put us into fear. He has never returned.

  5. ⁠ this Was Given to Chuck Pierce by God to Retune the 🥁 🎺 🎷 🎻 because Satan can’t get to it anymore. Satan has given his own frequency to the artist that give him the glory,. And this is how he explains it ❤It was written on October 11-2022 I watch his tape 😊Explained of 528 Frequencies ❤ 528 Frequency Revolution 🌈🙌 5+2+8=15 equals 6 6=Men in 528frequency
    5 is the 5 fold Ministry the Right Hand of Adonai Elohim 🙌YHVH 🙌
    Yod Hey Vav Hey.
    2=two witnesses or 2in agreement 🙌
    8= Light or new beginning 🙌🦅

  6. Diana, please help! I had a dream of a red door! In front the door was a red long box that opened & it was a microphone. I’ve been seeking the Lord to be moved up in promotion with him . I’ve been seeking hard! Can you give me your opinion of what this could mean? I feel anxious about finding the meaning . Read it could mean danger. Thank you sweet lady. I enjoy your videos. I could not find where to send this to John R .

  7. I just heard from something you were saying at the beginning. I thought "maybe that was this." You had just said something about the media and the news. What if the media today is the False Prophet in Revelations?

  8. On March 30th I asked Holy Sprit to reveal to me how many guardian angels I have. He said TWO! Then before I could finish asking what their names are, I heard Joslyn & Pfeiffer!! I looked up the name Joslyn and it means: flowing water, joyful, cheerful. And Pfeiffer is a Jewish ashkenazic name that means pipe player, whistler. 🎉😄

  9. Thank you Dianna Larkin! You have answered some issues I’ve been experiencing… the why’s. Diana lark, and you are covered in love the power of God, the gift of love just emanates my house when I listen to you speak! I’ve been praying for God to cover me with his love to fill my heart up with his kind of love to heal my heart of all bitterness all brokenness all in forgiveness. He is show me that there’s a lot of brokenness in my heart he’s allowed me to feel it. I need a new heart please pray for me.😢❤Please give me the scriptures that speak on there being a court in heaven.

  10. Hi Diana ~
    I’ll email you the longer version but in short …..

    LAUGHTER is medicine to the soul.
    Proverbs 17:22 Laughter is good medicine.

    Laughter ….
    1… Produces killers cells that fight viral and tumor cells 😊

    What is the function of the killer cells?

    Natural killer cells (NK cells) are white blood cells that destroy infected and diseased cells, like cancer cells. They're also a type of lymphocyte, like B-cells and T-cells. NK cells can destroy harmful cells in the early stages, preventing viruses and cancer cells from spreading.

    We both love you and appreciate all your heart and time that goes into your videos.
    Vickie & Johnny

  11. Conformation 4 u Diana… ur word about leaving our loved ones in Gods hands: Tim Sheets & His dtg Rachel wrote a book together for praying 4 prodigals Titled Come Home. Dutch Sheets, used it for his Give Him 15, last week. It applies to those concerned about their "un-woke" friends/family. Imo, It fits most issues w/ppl. More than that, it reminds us how deep/wide God is, period.


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