Progression Diary : Chapter 6 Darknell + Gloom

Well, it’s finally here. Tenebris bossing. The final frontier for uncharted territory. Gloom is kind of easy, no shocker there, Darknell on the other hand.

I feel like Darknell will be one of those bosses I like more with experience, similar to HLot, but right now, oh my god the fucking cc chaining, it’s a nightmare.

Lots of work is being put into setting up the Angelic Buster for her 275 grind in this chapter. And I mean, A LOT of work. Been living in Ardentmill, crafting 500 fatigue per day on 2 characters to get cubes/flames to make her new gear, and it’s looking pretty bleak atm. Hopefully this bad RNG streak will pass, and I can finish setting her up to start. Since, we’re running out of time.

Once the NW is 275, she’s pretty much going into maintenance mode where she will just be completing her dailies to build up Sacred Force (and finish the remaining AF) so that when I’m done with other classes leveling, I might actually be able to leave the prison cell, known as Cernium

Verus Hilla is next. I’m scared, but excited. She’s one of the most important bosses for my weeklies checklist, as Normal mode can drop Arcane Boxes, which would be MASSIVE for me setting up all these other classes 275 gear sets. Like actually game changing. Here’s hoping everything goes well for the next Chapter.

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5 thoughts on “Progression Diary : Chapter 6 Darknell + Gloom”

  1. sacrix a little tip for ur zero when u do damien, u can use shadow rain when he is the air throwing fire balls and he will go down if u tag right before u use shadow rain u can keep attacking while he is binded and move around if his sword goes to the ground, remember if u use time holding and rhinne's prayer u can reset the cooldown of shadow rain so u can make all his aerial moves useless, so ur zero will be a better lomien mule.

  2. I have a probably unusual question maybe, are you excited for the prospect of the PQ style arcane dailies becoming weeklies in saviour and will you be trying to boost up some of your sat at 250 without arcane force chars per week with that change? 🙂


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