PROGRESS by John Rich

PROGRESS by John Rich


27 thoughts on “PROGRESS by John Rich”

  1. Dear Mr rich I think you have everything going the way you wanted to I've been watching Fox News Faithfully when you are on love love the videos I love the one you did about shutting Detroit down and this one so just keep up the good work and keep on coming appreciate the videos and the content and we'll see you down the road in concert if the good Lord's willing and live is going to give away

  2. America needs more celebrities like John Rich met him other day not just a good celebrity he was one of the nicest most genuine people ever just randomly talked to especially in a long line at universal, America would be a better place if more people carried themselves like him in and out of the spot light

  3. God Bless you John…I am a PROUD
    DEPLORABLE…TRUMP supporter
    All the way….Thank you for this
    Video and your Fantastic song telling it like it is….I am so ashamed
    Of the Losers that are in the White
    House…This country needs to take
    Back our Freedoms and our position
    In the world …laughing stock of the
    World…Used to mean something
    To be lucky enough to be an American .today this American title
    Stands for Shame and weakness ..
    Wake Up America!!!!! Let's Take It Back With President Trump!!!!

  4. This song is a joke 🙄🤣
    So bad and the message is ridiculous. Another Simpleton singing and not understanding that working hard for equal rights and freedoms for all humans and for the planet is a good thing. Equal rights for all regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation etc.. equality is not just for white people. Unless you’re a Native American you have no right to sing a song about ‘your land’
    Give me a break.
    What a joke.
    Enjoy that BS 1950’s mindset. I’ll stay here in reality where progress means helping those in need and being a true American and a good human being.
    I stand with Lady liberty 🗽

  5. How times have changed! Bob Dylan got famous by sticking it to the Establishment…while Columbia Records cleaned up with his anti-government songs and persona. Fast forward to now, Dylan’s a fat cat himself, and probably boycotting people like Joe Rogan and John Rich. We’ve gone wrong, folks.

  6. I grew up with John's voice setting the theme for my country boy life, and I boycotted the industry over a decade ago, because of WOKE SHIT and degen music. God bless country though, keep it real brother.


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