Princess Margaret A Rebellious Royal Spirit

A lady who grew up among the shadows of the royal court. A princess who would have dearly loved to sit upon the throne of England. But her unique view of life and ultimate destiny was far from her elder sister. Her role became the ever-decreasing circle, one of minor importance and one that led to the realisation that a life of royal responsibility was outside her grasp. It all appeared to be emotional and, at times, a physical solitude that she would never be able to rescue. Join me now as we look back on the tumultuous life of Princess Margaret.

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24 thoughts on “Princess Margaret A Rebellious Royal Spirit”

  1. I believe she was always judged wrongly. She was cast aside by everyone. Being second best is never assuring, she had to face too many expectations. Overall she wanted to live life normally but was dragged into royal politics, she had to sacrifice her happiness for the royal status. May her soul rest in peace.

  2. I always thought she had a man friend before Peter Townsend named Billy Wallis don't know why i know the name but I think it was to do with Margaret she was very pretty when she was young but a sad lady

  3. I mean no rudeness or disrespect but I always found Margaret to be the prettier and more out going of the sisters and more of a hippie and beatnik type while still being a lady and I think she'd have been a lovely and caring queen I'm not dissing her sister at least Elizabeth is nothing like their mom or great grandma Queen warthog ( Victoria) and they can say that much for her and her sister
    Margaret just seemed so cool to a point if there was a movie made about Margaret I could see someone like Natalie Portman playing her she's probably the only actress who resembles her enough to play her but yikes it's crazy when you had to ask your older sister for permission to get hitched I'm glad I'm in the states and I'm related to these idiots and inbreds but so distantly removed and their trailer park and govt cheese cousin but I'd claim Margaret and Diana before I would the crazier more inbred ones haha but I think most of us Americans can find ourselves distantly related to these characters but yes she seems pretty interesting 🤔..and I only mean a few are idiotic but can't escape the inbred thing

  4. Margaret would have made a terrible Queen if she had been the eldest. Not too intelligent, very snobbish and jealous, selfish and truly spoiled.
    The UK and Commonwealth would not have been a priority. .

  5. If Princess Margaret had been given a proper education ,her life might have been very different . She had a very high IQ , but her father wrongly thought that for girls ,childhood was about having fun > Even the Queen was not properly educated until she was 12, after her father suddenly became King, after his brother abdicated in December 1936

  6. I don't believe she wanted the throne, she was happy to have the back seat where she could have more fun except marrying the man she wanted. Am not at all fond of your headlines though, she was not evil ,she actually did a lot of good things in her life that seems to go unacknowledged. She was a party animal and unfortunately her life-style caught up with her in her later years. I was always very fond of her. 🦘


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