Prince William praised for his dedication to royal duties: 'We really are lucky to have him'

‘Thank goodness we have somebody like Prince William.’

Angela Levin praises Prince William for his dedication to attending royal duties despite the personal issues he’s currently facing.

#princewilliam #royalfamily #gbnews

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44 thoughts on “Prince William praised for his dedication to royal duties: 'We really are lucky to have him'”

  1. I would like to see the British royal family stripped of all wealth, land, title and privilege. And to have a new British constitution written up based on the rights of individual citizens.

  2. Is that why Westminster is trying to have the Church of England disenfranchised as the religion of England meaning that we will not longer be a Christian country and yes this is all with the blessing of the Royals because Charles will sign it off. You people have misplaced loyalty to these social leeches. Plus they are all on the council of 300 who are behind all the evil crap that is going on in the world. Time you woke up to who they really are.. NOT your friend

  3. Sad for his family, cancer is such a curse. On the flip side, Britain should be a republic. The royals have bled this country dry in the name of a longbdead god for far too long. What is the point in a democracy if one elite can say no to any law?

  4. Are you all mad Royalty and all the sycophants that love it are whats wrong with UK, which I hate saying because a United Kingdom is what it patently is not.
    Also all the land that they now own was won by the sword and stolen from the original owners.

  5. Praised for doing what he gets paid to do, Jesus give the worship of these leeches a break ffs ! Don’t come back with “his wife has cancer” there are thousands of normal people working while a family member has cancer, and they’re at the back of the queue, whilst the leeches get top priority !


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