Prey: The Entire Predator Timeline Explained

I’m Chris Goodmakers and I’ve watched every Predator film in the last few days and took diligent notes. Fan Wiki’s be damned, I do my own research. I’m here to bring you a complete picture of humanities interactions with the race of alien hunters. From the dawn of man, to a prison bus in 2018.

One small thing up front. While I may pull small details from the comics, I’m not including them in the overall continuity. If you want to complain about that I really don’t care. I’m not reading 40 years of Dark Horse comics in a week. Besides, The Predator fought Archie once, it doesn’t count!

Alright everyone, this is the complete timeline of the Predator.


0:00 – Intro
0:39 – Ancient Aliens
1:44 – Scaling Back
2:38 – 1719
4:30 – 1904
5:04 – 1945 – 1982
6:29 – Guatemala β€˜87
7:56 – L.A. β€˜97
10:24 – Antarctic Hunt
12:12 – Outbreak
13:20 – Game Preserve
14:27 – Where Do I Start?
15:42 – Cheater

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Video By: Chris Goodmakers

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28 thoughts on “Prey: The Entire Predator Timeline Explained”

  1. Once again screenrant knows nothing about the subject they’re talking about πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ™„ who the hell is jackson?, our respect on wolfs name damn

  2. Uh i'm not sure if anyone knows this but if you look at the predator post credit scene more predators arrived on earth and they probably took naru's gun or they killed her to get it and took chet's… eh head.


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