PREY (2022) Movie Review: Does This Predator Prequel Work?

Prey comes along at a time when Predator fans are – rightly – wary of any new addition to the franchise. The Alien vs Predator movies were abysmal, while Predators, a promising entry, utterly lacked the horror that distinguished the series and featured bland leading characters. As for Shane Black’s The Predator – the less said, the better. Dan Trachtenberg’s Prey gets a Hulu debut this week after premiering at Comic-Con. Do we finally have a Predator film that can at least live up to the underrated second film, never mind the iconic original? We’ll give you the scoop with our Prey movie review!

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24 thoughts on “PREY (2022) Movie Review: Does This Predator Prequel Work?”

  1. Predator lifts a 500lb grizzly with ease means its strike or hit force would be around 150 -200kg so any human is no match for a predator, i do believe Arnold Schwarzenegger character struggles and ultimately fails. Yet a girl can claim indian Braves status and out run a grizzly bear and go toe to toe with pred. If this pred is feral then how does it understand cloking technology and master it? How does it not smell a woman amoung men? How does it take such heavy damage and remain undaunted?
    Why do lead characters always have a its just a scratch and yet take serious damage and what about human endurance? And yet you people appove it.. how sad

  2. Woke garbage nonsense. goes from inept unable to kill a bunny to defeating a intergalactic badass within 15 minutes Mary Sue 80 pound girl gets smacked by a being that just pressed a 1000+ lb grizzly over his head effortlessly and just gets up and fights like nothing happened. Magic Tomahawk with string attached I mean it would make Captain America's shield jealous with being able to strike and fix in trees and be able to fly back to the Mary sues hand with just a gentle tug. I don't get all the praise this movie is getting. The setting the visuals and atmosphere all are pretty good but the premise just makes this too hard to swallow.

  3. What a great movie! The only thing I didn't particularly care for was the movie being in English. This movie should have followed the style of Mel Gibson's "Apocalypto" with subtitles being that Prey was an all Native American Indian cast representing the Comanche Nation. I would have loved to hear how they interact and spoke their language. Now I know a lot of people don't care for "reading a movie" in subtitles, but this movie had a lot of action scenes with not too much dialogue, so I think they could have pulled it off in their native tongue with subtitles for us English speaking humans! lol. Still, a great movie! Better than the first one I think

  4. oh its an 8.5 at least. I share the concerns about the CGI especially in the earlier moments but wow. That scenery alone is magnificent. And yeah this could be such a reboot to set a movie in other timeframes and if handled with such care and attention to the franchise… eurgh i hate that word.. they can be superb. So much oif the action was off camera..and was there even a single swear in the runtime? Absolutely brilliant, I want more, which was not my feeling after AVPR

  5. Supposedly, Warner Bros. has a screenplay for a possible Quanah Parker movie inspired by S.C. Gwynne's 'Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches…' :
    Unlike 'Prey', and obviously minus outer space creatures (but with the U.S. Army, Ranald S. Mackenzie, Buffalo Soldiers, etc.), such a movie would take place in the late 1800's and focus on the Comanche at their peak when they were renowned for their horse associated culture and obtained a reputation (infamously or incorrectly) for raiding, aggression, violence… "Lords of The Southern Plains" through the Kwahadi (Comanche band) surrender under Quanah's leadership.

  6. 📖 'Predator: Rite of Passage' (1992)
    🤔 " …Africa , a Maasai warrior looks up to the stars 🌠…..The young warrior was given the task by his people of hunting a vicious lioness. Upon encountering the beast terrorizing a herd of antelope, he manages to kill it. Upon returning to his village, he is met with horror and despair that his people had been slaughtered by an unknown assailant. Desiring revenge, he notices a nearby foot trail and traces them…..he plunges his spear into its shoulder. The warrior subsequently chops the hunter's arm off before decapitating it…"

  7. This was a Masterpiece. Best predator movie ever. Outstanding acting by all actors in it. Cinematography was awesome. Direction was so amazing. Script was so much well written & yes it was so well balanced. In so limited budget the team made a masterpiece movie. I really wish i had saw it in theaters rather that Online. This is the kind of a movie to watch on Big screens.

  8. If you like Predator and it’s brilliant follow up, Predator 2, then you will absolutely love this masterpiece; Prey. I knew this would be good as soon as they revealed the premise and the trailer footage.

  9. Rejected this movie after opening act with little girl hunting deer with a tomahawk she threw sideways and outrunning the deer. She stops to rescue her dog who gets his TAIL caught in a steel trap!

  10. I'm a full breed Aboriginal and a fan of the original Predator and I hated this movie LOL little Pocahontas chicken this s*** out of a big alien predator. We don't need modern weapons anymore just bow and arrows and axes LOL.

  11. Watch the new movies but just turn off logic! Hollywood did that years ago so you should just adapt.

    Prey = this is what you get after years and years celebrating mediocrity! For many, too many, mediocrity can appear to be a masterpiece. Long live idiocracy! Prey sucked donkey balls!

  12. It was great and it by far the best Sequel in the series. people like to talk about 2 and Predators, but as films those are pretty bad. 2 is a campy joke, and Predators has Adrien Brody as an action star; nuff said

  13. I know they have a dubbed Comanche version , I would have prefer the spoken language be Comanche and the subtitle it in English , rather then what they did by filming in English and dubbing Comanche , but oh well at least it’s cool they did have an option , but when dubbing is done a movie can lose it’s emotional feel , so I feel the movie would have been better to be shot in Comanche language and dubbed English , and then we would have the same outcome . But this is just a personal gripe , I always watch movies in their native language , however Im glad the movie is doing well as I’m a predator fan since I was a child !

  14. Is Prey the best entry? It depends whichever one you saw first as a kid. If this film leads you to 1&2 you'll think their pretty old but will still like them. If you love the old ones then you'll love this one.

  15. new Predator movie set in the Vietnam War would be amazing; you can make a really compaling war movie while at the same time having Americans and Vietnamese getting slaughter by something they think is the enemy but not knowing what they are really against would be epic…plus you can add some reality to it by showing the news and public thinking all this atrocities where made by the military when we as an audience know that's far from the truth!


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