Presumed 'Human Remains' Found With Titan Wreckage | Insider News

Shattered pieces of the Titan submersible and the “presumed” human remains of those on board were unloaded from the Horizon Arctic ship after being discovered by a deep-sea diving robot.

Large “Cracking Sound” Heard During 2019 Titan Dive | Insider News
The Search Is On For Clues In The Titan Sub Implosion | Insider News
Titan Sub Raised Red Flags Long Before It Went Missing | Insider News


#OceanGate #TitanSubmersible #InsiderNews

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Presumed ‘Human Remains’ Found With Titan Wreckage | Insider News


37 thoughts on “Presumed 'Human Remains' Found With Titan Wreckage | Insider News”

  1. Titanic and OceanGate are both lessons in bad decision making resulting in loss of life . Titanic's Captain Smith and crew recklessly speeding through a known iceberg field on a moonless night and Stockton Rush ignoring critics alarms of imminent submersible hull failure . Both tragedies could have been avoided if they used better judgement and planning . Never go on fools errands with egotistical men or women, you WILL wind up dead .

  2. The investigation? What investigation? Do we not already know, all there is to know? Is there really a need for some investigators to waste 2 years of their lives?

  3. From what i read the passengers were liquified instantly by the force of the implosion . They were squirted into the sea. Gruesome but painless. It happened so quick they didnt even know it. Thats because the implosion only took 1 millisecond but our brains take 13 milliseconds to acknowledge pain . That said, our brains are very fast .

  4. I don't believe them people died like their saying. I just don't believe it their lying. How does it go from we hear banging and then pushing for time to it imploded and no remains would be found they would be liquid and it'll be instant now all of a sudden they found remains? I don't think they were murdered in the implosion. I believe they were alive and everyone knew that it was impossible to save them and to ease everyone's mind especially since there was basically a child down there as well they don't want us to know exactly what horrible horrific death those people really died. The same exact thing happened in that submarine accident with the military those men were alive for weeks they starved and suffocated ro death they were alive for weeks in the ocean and they lied to the public and family for years.

  5. Canada suffering from a shortage of STEM workers. Youtube has half a million commenters who are specialist in carbon fiber, deep sea submersibles, implosions, high pressure liquids and wireless game controllers.

  6. Believe – 1 Corinthians 15 Chapter 1 to 4; Romans 10 Chapter 9 : 10; The New Testament – Bible. Jesus Christ is God, Jesus Christ Saves, Believe in Him. Glory and Thanks to Lord and God Jesus Christ.

  7. Ignore reports that the TITAN sub imploded. It had not imploded on several previous dives to the TITANIC.

    The truth is that the TITAN sub was sabotaged. A small "bomb" caused the TITAN sub to explode. It blew apart, killing everyone inside.

    Investigators need to look for evidence of this "bomb" and at everyone having a motive to kill someone, likely a very wealthy person, on the TITAN sub.

    Who gains from the death of the wealthy passengers on the TITAN sub? What opportunities did they, or someone they paid, have to sabotage the TITAN sub?

  8. The title to this news clip is the most stupid thing I have ever seen. Who writes this junk? OF COURSE IT'S HUMAN REMAINS! You are idiots. Either state it or don't, but to be wishy-washy is so weak. Grow some….

  9. Everyone trying to find their “get rich quick scheme”, while ignoring science and focusing on $$$.

    It’s a formula that never ends well. My heart breaks for the passengers and especially the 18 year-old man. So sad 😢


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