President of the 77th General Assembly opens the new UNGA session | United Nations

Opening remarks by Csaba Kőrösi, President of the General Assembly, on his appointment and goals during his presidency.

At the opening of the Seventy-Seventh Session of the United Nations General Assembly today (13 Sep), Csaba Kőrösi, President of the General Assembly, said, “This Hall was created as a place to build trust – to bring about peace and security, development and human rights. We owe it to our 8 billion constituents, the people we are here to serve, to succeed in our aims.”


32 thoughts on “President of the 77th General Assembly opens the new UNGA session | United Nations”

  1. El pueblo de Europa tiene que despertar y pedir que los políticos y los dos o tres ricos respeten a china y Rusia eso es también respetarse a ellos mismos no mas violencia no mas tanta ignorancia en el mundo….

  2. “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.”
    1 Thessalonians 5:3-4

  3. Jeremiah 29:11,,GOD saying -For I myself well know the thoughts that l am thinking toward youis the utterance of JEHOVAH,thougths of peace,and not of calamity,to give you a future and hope . Yes, our GOD purpose for us peace and security so its time of big chznges lets united listen and obey our GOD ALMIGTHY. HUMANS PROBLEMS EVERY WHERE CAUSES OF LIVING OUTSIDE GOD LAWS,REGULATIONS AND GODS JUDICIALS DECISION SO WE ARE REAPING THE CONSEQUENCES OF WILLFULLY DISOBEY OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN TO RULE FOR US

  4. No matter how long united nations saying peace no peace come on earth unless listen to GOD arrangement and follow his golden rule beacause peace comes only if,united nations do according to GODs will,, so that all GODs promises come true in reality recorded in Revelation 21:1-6,,verse 4,GODs saying And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death no more will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.The former things have passed away.

  5. It's new begin on judgment cuz they crucified innocent never justice they continue with crucifixion against innocent for fantasy and they refuse the warn even when reality speak to them by nature they cry for climate change continue to share innocent blood cuz they're foolish and climate is Foundation of creations if human suffering what make them think climate will be ok?

  6. Good speech…I sincerely hope he can deliver. How do you make Member States honour and obey the international law they all signed? Michelle Bachelet' s purposed ICC treaty to ratify the jurisdiction of the court would be a good start. Why is no one talking about this?

  7. All and any  RAND Corporation and/or any of its variants and/or subsidiaries  are and always shall be ILLEGITIMATE.
    If any RAND Corporation  and/or any of their variants and/or subsidiaries appear, they immediately cease from existing. INRI X

  8. Happy to our UNs 77th sesion!
    " Highest ideas….!, conflicts creat humaniterian abuse….."

    Our respected world poletecian leaders from Ward or Kebele to UNs, who are the highest leaders of both ideal and physical lives.

    As you say, what president Abreham Lincon said, " If we take our responsibilities today, we don't ignore tomorrow "

    How is on this 77th sesion? To answer all of our world people basic life need questions both ideally and physically?

    In this modern duale life time, all nations and territories are not yet eustain in basic life needs in our both lives. Means, no developed nations this time? Because, development of nations are measured by equal growth development at least by basic life needs in both lives. We are expecting highly which nations be the first to sustain at least by basic life needs in both lives. Such as, at least to sistain in securities, peace, relationships, food, water, shelter, clothes and shoes, education, expression, better self-managing, and better self-leading.

    Please, nations to handle the ideal life legally and to declar, the same continents, and UNs we to have international agreements about the ideal life. We know, we all are violated and slaves. Because, the rising of unbalanced powers in both lives activities have been rising.

    USA diaspora, from Dire Dewa, Ethiopia

    Thank you very much

  9. Best wishes to Csaba Korosi, new President of the United Nations General Assembly, love from mom and yuki❤❤ Also, send my gratitude to Abdulla Shahid and y'all who have offered help to bring me where I am today.

  10. I wish to have full understanding of all mysteries, take back my life and live in a peaceful world without violence, achieve final justice and world liberation with the help of UN leadership, thank you so much ❤🌹

  11. A remarkable dialogue of the President who is an experienced diplomat. War should only be a negotiation of Peace Restoration but not to attain supremacy and be imperialistic . War in 21st century where advancements in Science & Technology have sky rocketed is endangering humanity, biodiversity, international peace , sovereignty, space security too . Humanity has evolved from time to time with innovations and policies . Time has come to end all atrocities and face challenges of poverty , sustainability and Peace . Power and Control often drives the world into darkness . Green Revolution is the need of the hour with Renaissance in Human security,Food security, bio security and Space security… The threats of disruptive technologies is endangering human security , cyber security, and even space. Security. Green Peace and Sustainable development with effective policies is the need of the hour in the world .. Saritha @UNESCO


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