President Biden on Vladimir Putin: "For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power."

President Biden delivers remarks on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and efforts to support the Ukrainian people, at the Royal Castle in Warsaw, Poland.

Included in his remarks:

“My message to the people of Ukraine is a message I delivered today to Ukraine’s foreign minister and defense minister, who I believe are here tonight: we stand with you, period.”

“There is simply no justification or provocation for Russia’s choice of war. It’s an example of one of the oldest human impulses: using brute force and disinformation to satisfy a craving for absolute power and control.”

“Don’t even think about moving on one single inch of NATO territory.”

“We must commit now to be in this fight for the long haul. We must remain unified today and tomorrow and the day after and for the years and decades to come. It will not be easy, there will be costs. But it’s the price we have to pay…”

“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”

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45 thoughts on “President Biden on Vladimir Putin: "For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power."”

  1. Don’t elect Supreme Court Justices because they’re “Just😱Advanced🤑Attorneys.”

    🇺🇸America, let’s start comparing “Notes” in “Life.”

    It’s “World⏰Learn!”


    “🇺🇸Bring Back Integrity” to
    The 🇺🇸White House OR
    “Just All Die.”

    Either “way”
    Nobody “wins”



  2. World Gulag Awareness

    “Go-Go Gulags for every Model of Society, possible.”

    “Model Citizens aren’t housed in Gulags. The Gulags are to Preserve the Appropriate Behaviors for a Positive Political (P.P.) Role Model Society.”

  3. Schooling Sunday Some Ways The Fun Ways About Some Zero Topics of “Play.”
    We want to “slay.”
    We want to “Slay” the “Stupid.”
    We want to “Slay” people “sometimes.”
    This is why we “Stay Home.”
    It’s what’s “BEST.”
    For “now.”
    Just “Right.”
    Just “Now.”
    You know?
    Just “Right Now.”
    “Right NOW, Right NOW?”
    “Right Now.”
    “🔋” Ok.


    “All I Need”

    I already “HAVE.”


    “Why so angry?”

    That’s not “anger.”

    It’s “JUST” misery.


    It’s still a “Good Enough” life for “me.”

    That’s the only opinion that matters to “me.”

    It’s called “PRIORITIES.”

    Who do “I” belong to?


    That’s “RIGHT.”


  4. Take me to “Funky-Toe.”
    Take me to “Funky-Town.”
    Take me to “Camel-Toe.”
    Take me to “Camel-Town.”


  5. Sunday, March 27th, 2022
    Tired of Fake🇺🇸President that is still being allowed to breathe?

    Are Fake🇺🇸Professional Politicians Polluting The White House with their excrement of habits?

    We know.

    Who are we?

    We are “The🇺🇸Dream Team for Hope.”


    We are “😽The🤢Purgestani🤮Group.”

    We are “The Appropriate ☎️Social🇺🇸Controls” for “All Governments, All Businesses.”

    We are endorsed and sponsored.

    We are a “NOT FOR” profit organization that looks to be the Benchmark, and Innovators for a New Branch of Social Scientific Studies, and The United States Profession of Arms. This is how we “Avoid Obvious Corruption.” We have an “Open Pay Roll Accountability Ledger.” We employ only “Real🇺🇸Americans.”
    Yes, we work alongside “Nike.”
    Yes. we work “FOR” The Olympics.
    Who wouldn’t work for “Games?”
    Games are “Good.”
    Games are also “Fun.”
    “Let’s play a game.”
    That’s “What I would always say❣️”

    “Mini Mao” Ⓜ️Ⓜ️and “Se Young”Owens Ⓜ️ Mooney.

    This is “US” as “WE” ALL “JUST” Hang Out in order to reminiscence with one another in order to remind y’all of “Some Tings, all of y’all Mother Fathers that have literally been ACTING OUT your real positions of power & authority in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA’S Political System.

    🤡⏰That’s right.

    Let’s talk “How⁉️”

  6. Does “truth” matter more than “results?”


    There’s “Truth in the “Results”

    “ Sometimes there is no time to argue. There ISZz just time to be.”

    🐴🇺🇸Captain Se Young Owens Mooney
    Registered🐍Nurse,🐍California 🌳🌳🌳

  7. ⏰😺Purges🤢Tania🤮

    Assignment Slots

    Do you got what it takes to join and become a part of
    “The Purgestani Group?”

    🐒You don’t know?

    🤮We want to help you find THAT out!

    First of all, The Purgestani Group is a professional organization that was developed in order to remove “Fake🇺🇸Professionals” from The American Government System of Democracy:
    “Once and For ALL.”

    It’s the “Solution” to remedy
    “Political Pollution.”

    The “Better Life” which
    We ALL SEEK can NOT
    exist without first!

    “Enough Deaths”

    We must “purge” the United States of America’s Government from
    “Election Corruption.”

    Professional euthanasia exists for people already. They’re called “patients.”

    🚫🇺🇸President Biden ISZz NOw someone’s “PATIENT.”
    🚫🇺🇸V. President Harris ISZz NOW
    someone’s “PATIENT.”


    🌠To be continued.



    “Yes,” 🔋.

  8. ⏰😺Purges🤢tan 🤮

    Assignment Slots

    Do you got what it takes to join and become a part of
    “The Purgestan Group?”

    🐒You don’t know?

    🤮We want to help you find THAT out!

    First of all, The Purgestan Group is a professional organization that was developed in order to remove “Fake🇺🇸Professionals” from The American Government System of Democracy:
    “Once and For ALL.”

    It’s the “Solution” to remedy
    “Political Pollution.”

    The “Better Life” which
    We ALL SEEK can NOT
    exist without first!

    “Enough Deaths”

    We must “purge” the United States of America’s Government from
    “Election Corruption.”

    Professional euthanasia exists for people already. They’re called “patients.”

    🚫🇺🇸President Biden ISZz NOw someone’s “PATIENT.”
    🚫🇺🇸V. President Harris ISZz NOW
    someone’s “PATIENT.”


    🌠To be continued.

  9. 🇺🇸Welcome to Team🤑PUR🤢GESTANZ🤮!

    This is:

    Meeting “One”
    The Beginnings
    The 💯Better🇺🇸Experience
    “Physical Species Extinction”

    💯%Professional Assassinations
    💯%Medically Complete





  10. For god’s sake this stupid man can not stay in power attacking the border patrol and running in three million illegals and Biden is going to run in ten million illegals with a homeless crisis,, housing crisis,, how about change Putin for Biden

  11. God bless president Joe Biden, God bless kamala Harris and God bless America. Joe Biden best president since the Great Obama. Biden2024. Vote blue guys cause red is the party of orgies and cocaine 😆 🤣 😂

  12. Biden: Name of traitorous criminal subhuman installed in office after a rigged election by the liberal lowlifes that have IQ’s of a blade of grass. Destroyed everything he touched while having the mental capacity of a vegetable.

  13. Let's not forget how we dropped nukes on Japan, hopefully Putin is smart enough not to make the same mistakes Chernobyl should be a constant reminder of the destruction nuclear power can cause.


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