Prehistoric Planet 2 Looks AWESOME! Even BETTER!

The trailer for Season 2 of Prehistoric Planet has dropped along with some cool images! So much new stuff. So much to talk about. Why am I excited for this one? Why do I think this will be even better than Season 1?
#paleontology #prehistoricplanet #dinosaurs


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27 thoughts on “Prehistoric Planet 2 Looks AWESOME! Even BETTER!”

  1. I like that this program made them more like animals than monsters. Even the Carnotaurus looked kind of time during the mating ritual scene, especially the male. You could feel his disappointment. Poor fella…

  2. 5:21 this made me laugh since it’s so true! You realize that a dinosaur from 66 mya ago could raise a child better than what some parents can do, especially since technology is (sadly) doing most of the raising.

  3. I hope that later seasons take place at different times. This could allow them to add dinosaurus like Allosaurus, Stegosarus, and of course the best dinosaur the Acrocanthasaurus.

  4. I really like how it feels like they're really expanding and doing more, because this is definitely a great improvement and an awesome opportunity to show more what felt was missing in the first season

  5. I really like that season 2 stays in the Maastrichtian too. While seeing different periods would have been fun, sticking to one really shows that life was just as diverse back then as it is today.

  6. I didn't like the episode structure either, though I understand 100% why they did it. Focusing on multiple subjects plays well into the education aspect. We get a lot of knowledge from a lot of different places and animals like this. But, I really would like to see more focus on story.

    Pretty much everything else I liked about the series, though. Except I feel like the triceratops looks a little weird, but maybe I'm crazy. I feel like the cheeks are too extensive and the bumps on the ends of the crest should be absent in adults, but I could be wrong.

  7. Anyone notice how when we increase diversity for dinosaurs, everyone is applauding for that, but when we increase "diversity" for people, it is mostly revered at?

    (I'm referring to woke media)


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