We renounce and break every evil dedication to water and marine spirits.

We break the backbone of marine witchcraft militating against our lives.

We command marine deposits in our bodies, to come out with all your roots now, in the name of Jesus.

You stubborn marine spirit spouse, be separated from us by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.

Every marine item in our possession, may it catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

Let every dark power that has come into our lives through contact with marine agents, be cleansed and washed away, by the blood of Jesus.

Let all marine witchcraft verdicts and judgments against us, be broken or backfire, in the name of Jesus.

We cast out anything programmed into our lives from the waters.

Let any serpent power dispatched against us from the marine kingdom be scattered now!

We separate ourselves from every ancestral covenant with water spirits by the power in the blood of Jesus.

Any marine witchcraft practice against my life, receive immediate judgment of fire, in the name of Jesus,

Let every evil altar under water operating against my family be destroyed by the fire of God.

Let every priest ministering at a marine altar against me, receive a furious blow by the power of God, in the name of Jesus.

Let the powers under any river or sea remotelycontrolling my life, be destroyed by fire right now.

I command all marine witchcraft that has introduced spirit spouse or child into my dreams be consumed by the fire of God.

Let every agent of marine witchcraft that is physically attached to my life, marriage or business, to bring frustration, receive furious blows by the power of God, in the name of Jesus.

Let every agent of marine witchcraft assigned to attack my body and fiancés through dreams, be stripped pf their power and be bound now.

I pull down every stronghold of bewitchment, enchantment, jinx or divination fashioned against me by marine agents or powers, in the names of Jesus.

Let the lightning of God strike and destroy the marine witchcraft covens, where deliberations and decisions have been made concerning me and my family.

Any water spirits from my family generations, enforcing witchcraft against me and my family, let their power be severed asunder by the word and sword of God in the name of Jesus.

Let all the spiritual weapons of wickedness fashioned against me be consumed by the fire of God Almighty.

Let, the power of marine witchcraft that has held any of my blessings in bondage feel the consuming fire of God.

I loose my mind and soul from the bondage of marine witches or powers in the name of Jesus.

Any marine witchcraft chain binding my hands and feet from prospering, be broken and shattered to pieces in the name of Jesus.

I cast out the arrows released into my life from marine and witchcraft powers; come out of me and return to your sender in wrath and judgement, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let any demonic implants transferred into my body through contact with, or attacks by marine witchcraft be consumed by holy fire in the name of Jesus.

Every sexual pollution of marine spirits in my body, be flushed out by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Let every deposit of marine spirits in my life be flushed out by the blood of Jesus.

Let any image or representation of me constructed under the waters, to manipulate me, be consumed by holy fire.

Let any evil ever done against me through the oppression and manipulation of marine witchcraft, be reversed by the blood of Jesus.

With hands or war, I break the backbone of every marine witchcraft militating against my life.

Let every work of marine witchcraft against my life, be uprooted and overthrown.

I release fire and furious blows against the marine strongman holding me captive in the name of Jesus.

Lord contend with those are contending with me and release my life from the grip of marine witchcraft, in the name of Jesus.

Let the siege of the enemy be dismantled and let my soul be set free in the name of Jesus.

Let the blood of Jesus erase every ungodly record held against me..

I reject every evil covenant made by the rivers of my birth place by the saving grace of the blood of Jesus Christ.

I refuse and I reject ancestral water covenants in the name of Jesus.

Lord, smite and destroy the power of Leviathan in my life.

Any serpent power programmed into my body, come out now in the name of Jesus.

Let the fire of the Holy Spirit flush out the poison of the leviathan from my life.

Holy Spirit burn from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and flush out all the marine spirit deposits placed in my body.

I pronounce freedom, healing, blessings and jubilee upon my life in the name of Jesus.

MUSIC BY: Whitesand
Titles: Confrontation
Links: Spotify:
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