Power Scaling Matters More Than You Realize. (Video Essay)

Power Scaling. The bane of all of our existence. But, let’s be real… It’s kind of SUPER important to have power scaling in fiction, especially action-oriented series. Wanna know why? I’ll tell you.

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22 thoughts on “Power Scaling Matters More Than You Realize. (Video Essay)”

  1. First off, differentiate when people are talking about internal or external scaling. Alot of the things you pointed out that you don't like people saying becomes so much more understandable when you can split the two up. Going oh external scaling doesn't matter in x story makes and therefore doesn't matter is an understandable take (even if it's wrong as there in some value in just have fun debate, but off topic.) You taking what people say about external scaling like oh can Naruto bust a planet and acting like it's the same as oh is the power difference between Naruto and saucekay consistent with what the story sets up just seems like you not thinking through what people mean and then ranting bout it. Second, you are just dead wrong about the stan lee quote. Stan Lee 100% means it as people use it to discredit powerscaling. This is the guy who would go oh yeah, Thor a God who was insanly strong at the time and wonderwoman who was insanely weaker at the time and go yeah Wonderwomen wins cause uh she won a popularity vote because in this marvel and DC crossover were doing. (Real thing.) He truly didn't care about either form of powerscaling and you acting like people are misunderstanding what he said is just great irony. I mean yeah it is a shit take and stan Lee was a bad writer and it's not a value argument to use that clip, but how you presented it was wrong so brrrrr.
    Oh and finally wtf was that bit on your end when you talked about people going "lmao authors can't scale trash story"? It has so little explanation and goes against what you just said from the sound of it. Oh and saying part of the entire dam point of storytelling is forming your own opion option is; 1 only sites deal in absolutes, 2 just not true. In Percy Jackson sea of the monsters book where the gang is at a dam and everyone's laughing cause they can say dam alot, you either go ha funny or bruh unfunny. Sometimes you're just saying basic shit and people just need to have common sense.

  2. This is why i have Magi world building over One Piece. Because magoi as the power system is woven so much better into the world than whatever ida did with dfs and haki and it just works. In One Piece i cant go more than 10min of discussion with someone that knows the details and possibilities without being pissed off at the inconsistency and vegueness 😂

  3. Power scaling don't matter get to the point the creators of all anime do not power scale I repeat do not power scale so shut the fuck up are the nicest ways possible okay

  4. power scaleing is toxic it negates the concept I don't do this s*** I just tell you based on what I know cuz I'm smarter than your ass and I'm a grown ass man

  5. We have a right to criticize anything because they cannot power scale this s*** who are you to tell us that we can't criticize shut the f**** b** who you talkin to can call somebody childish when they giving out legitimate criticism I can't stand you young people y'all make me sick

  6. 8:00 “it could introduce a character that’s so strong that you literally can’t convincingly have the main characters beat them” man tell me why i immediately thought of Roman fucking Reigns again LMAOO

  7. DINOSAUR's!!!! Reference that's insane I thought you be younger then me.
    I look at it like this, if your story/system allows it I'm good with it.
    I dont like the scaling in Bleach due to it's not how strong you physically but mentally within reason

  8. I'd rather focus on the stories and writing and stuff than strength of characters. Like bro juys because I think for example sanji is cool doesn't mean I think he's stronger than say zoro

  9. I mean what if Vader got poisoned before fighting luke
    Or Dino caught thanos after gauntlet drained his strength and put a bullet in his head lol
    All this aside all imma say is power is not linear

  10. A really well done video and you explained why power scaling is important. But the main issue is, until the toxic side of that community either calms down or stops being horrible, a large portion of people won't take it seriously because that's all they see. I agree that if done correctly power scaling greatly helps a story. But at this point it's hard to see the upsides considering how loud the annoying fans are.


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