'Power Play' and 'Sudden Death' added to World Tour Finals rules!

The CIB PSA World Tour Finals gets underway on Tuesday June 20 in Cairo, with some new rules being trialled 🔥


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20 thoughts on “'Power Play' and 'Sudden Death' added to World Tour Finals rules!”

  1. Oh dear oh dear oh dear….. Whilst i can live with trying the win by one point stuff (albeit i dont love it) the Powerplay idea is absolute bunkum, truly ghastly…. This is elite professional sport, not Its a Knockout 😱

  2. The world tour finals were already pretty different from normal tournaments with a best of 3 group stage before the final. Adding power play and sudden death to it just makes for more interesting group stages. All it does is create more high intensity scenarios in the final event of the season amongst the top 8 performers.

  3. Yes, and there should be holographic signs on the court that players can collect by stepping into them. Such collected 'things' could be, for example, the right to hit an opponent with a racket, the ability to throw a banana peel under the opponent's feet, etc.

  4. What's next, handing out wildcard cards to players to regain a point or win an entire game? Seriously, this may be suitable for children or entertainment purposes, but not for adults or even at a professional level. It undermines the seriousness of the sport, and I don't believe it will generate more interest in it. In fact, I think rules like these can have a negative impact.

  5. Is there any other sport other than WWE that has this kind of gimmicks? Please PSA, tell us why you're doing this. If it's to make the game more appealing to the masses, this doesn't look like the right path.

  6. This new innovation is interesting, can we add:
    a glowing disco ball lowers down from roof, during power play, While playing we will rock you by queen.
    Maybe some coloured laser beams flashing around the court and don’t forget the fog machine.

    * Maybe if you want to try gimmicks have exhibition games and do it then, leave the tournament rules as they are.


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