Postgame Press Conference | Florida at Utah

Post Game from Salt Lake City


25 thoughts on “Postgame Press Conference | Florida at Utah”

  1. This dude is coaching like hes at his last school. The SEC is totally different. I really don't think he's prepared to go that extra mile to win. He really thinks we played decent. It took bill 20 sec between downs to even call a play. He didn't call a single good offensive of play & he had all year to prepare. This dude is really giving off "i lied on my application" vibe

  2. Year after year FSU is a better program. I'm giving Florida this year & if we don't turn it around then i gotta go on the ban wagon. I've been a fan for years & the way this program has increasingly got worse is baffling. This program is mediocre at best.

  3. Simple and plain BILLYS high-school offensive schemes play calling is awful.. it dont matter if mertz throws for 500 a game if the ball isnt going into the end zone dont matter. Hearing coach doesn't gove me much hope!! billy swallow your damn pride step up be the coach we all hired to represent Gators Nation. Cause right now your not doing that. I hear alot of deflection and not accountability. Where is the urgency the discipline? We need a coach to get in our players but if needed you jist sit there on sode line like cool and calm no big deal type attitude… forget that bs look at all great coaches they hold there players accountable THE COACHES DO!!! NOT JUST WITH IN THE PLAYERS…….

  4. First thing the Gators need to do, is get Mertz to step up and and be a leader on the field. It's an absolute must to have your quarterback as a leader. Couldn't do that with Richardson last year, because everybody knew he was just biding his time to go to the NFL.

  5. This dude has butch jones vibes for me so bad…all this "intanginles" and "choose charachter or compromise" sitting there after that loss not feeling like he hates losing…he sounds more like a defeated man than a competitor…if they don't want to end up like tennessee did for 15 years they need to get rid of him…just an observation…i kmow theyre in debt to mullen, but man…this dude just seems like he's in over his head…


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