Population Invasion | Grunt Speak Live

Let’s dissect what is really going on, what the UN and WEF claim, what the facts are, and why it is all BUUUULLSHIIIIT tonight at 8 PM EDT!

#Invasion #Replacement #Redonkulas

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43 thoughts on “Population Invasion | Grunt Speak Live”

  1. Americans can’t get good paying jobs…a combination of exporting the good jobs and having too many workers and not enough good jobs. Adding illegals only makes things worse. Yeah…a lot are manual labor/low skill workers, but don’t be surprised if educated and trained illegals start being allowed to practice without jumping through hoops.

  2. It's crazy how my country (the Netherlands) has changed the last 10 years or so.
    I live in a small farmer's village, and now there are quite a few muslim immigrants living here (would have been a crazy idea 10 years ago).
    I have to make the statement, they are not all bad, okay? I met some good people also.
    But there are definitely some bad ones also (some of those are ex-militairy/ex-rebel group, who knows what they have done and are capable of).
    A lot of them have no respect for our culture and rules, and it is causing problems.

    For some reason our media keeps fear mongering about right wing extremist/nazis, however I can't remember the last time I saw one, or heard of someone like that on the streets.
    I have however, like we all have here, been harassed and threatened by ''immigrants'', so what is the real actual problem here?
    Maybe they're scared that, if white people get together and take action, shit gets real.

    Also if you point things out you are labeled a ''racist'', it is not so much racism, it is a clash of cultures.

  3. A couple of things:
    (a) Single males of military age – not only is this dangerous but what are they going to do for mates (assuming they're not all gay or T-boys)?
    (b) This is another reason for the US to withdraw from the UN completely. Since I live in Poland, I would argue that the EU(SSR) is just an extension of the UN. Too many countries in Europre have decided to commit suicide and it won't get any better. Basically, it has to get kinetic, then possibly, it might get better but the 'native' Europeans have to get gain some spine or testicular fortitude and get kinetic. Without a 'lead reward', the elites will continue to do what they've been doing.
    (c) Several novels from the 'racialist' right started talking about this in the 1990s and no one listened.
    Until the 'kinetic two-way rifle range' kicks off, nothing will change. Remember, advocates of this idea deserve every ounce of our ire.

  4. @13:55 Not sure if this is what you're referring to, but the localizer issue has become widespread known very recently. There's almost 10+ years of their animation and tv production companies hiring "diversity departments" and similarly-functioned branches entirely staffed by woke westerners who are supposed to help them "localize" the content and make their product sell better here in the west (at least that's the lie they tell).

    In reality, these departments are full of the same idiotic no-skill dumbasses that we have here and they are being paid 6-figure salaries plus benefits and all the clout and online authority because they're in some "official position" all on gender studies degrees.

  5. I have been in El Paso this week for work. They might as well make it a suburb of Juarez at this point with the amount of migrants there are all over the place here.

  6. Liberals from blue areas, flee to red areas (because they are better than where they left) bringing their feeble ideas along and not learning any lesson on actions/consequences

  7. 27:26 the BLACK americans think ther will be their friend when in REALITY the Africans see them as nothing other than just Americans….they might be used as the thugs at first, but they will be disposed of after.

  8. 5:42 White race is really at a numerical decline. However it is true for everyone. Every single place on earth has a declining birth rates year after year. It is that some areas are still above replacement rates. White race is the one that is dying out the fastest. Also it is not only about dying out. It is also about average person getting older and older each year.

  9. 1:25:51 That is not true. To be 89% of the total population, there has to be nearly 300 million people who are not just white, but of European background. At this point there is little more than 200 million whites in this country now. Maybe 220 at best.

  10. Hungarian Leaders have the rite idea to help child bearing families after three children no more income tax for life. What an evil plan. They do the opposite here no job seven kids with seven baby daddy’s every one else can pay. Have a job be responsible you only can afford barely one or two. But it’s not on purpose rite.

  11. Step 1: Move all the migrants into established communities

    Step 2: Allow for cultural bubbles to form and collide with each other

    Step 3: Watch for the higher culture decrease until acceptable levels

    Step 4: Remove all sustenance for the remaining dependent cultures and decrease numbers

    Step 5: Develop a new way of life with reduced quality of life and increased production.

  12. 1:26:50 Do you guys realize that its impossible, unless you are ok with total destruction of the nation? Also, why you in particular didn’t do anything when you were in your prime, 15-20 years ago? It wasn’t a problem back then? It was. All these guns and bravado, in the end means nothing if you are not only not ready to use it, but not ready to potentially lose everything, and end up in worse place than you begin. You guys are not fatalists. You know it better than me. Also, don’t forget that if you want to remove citizenship from all those naturalized citizens whose parents came her illegally, are mostly living on the coasts. Coasts are obviously connected to the ocean. Ocean connected to the China for example. Who told you that they will not be able to land million strong army with a help of your enemies? Nothing is easy anymore. There is no black and white decision, unless like I said, you ok with destroying a nation. Stop inflow of the illegals for now, as a first step. Then talk about those who are illegal here already.

  13. @35.00, the comment about the Welsh politition and the 20mph speed limit, that control freq mentality has reached New Zealand. There are arbitary speed limit reductions and speed bumps infesting our cities and moving onto transport routes, to create INeffeiciency. Also, what happened to emissions reduction? (sniff sniff, something is rotten)

  14. Yeah, having a bunch of individuals arrive in the USA with no marketable skills. Yeah, not good especially when most of them are fighting age I mean this is ridiculous. I can’t bone that I’m not gay. This is not fair. Why can’t they be people that have a net gain value instead of a net loss, we should be selective on who we allow into the USA. It’s very dumb not to be selective.

  15. Over-population is real. I mean, for example, since around the time I was born the population of the planet has doubled. But it's how we respond to this though, and the rich and upper middle classes hoarding and controlling all the space and resources undoubtedly makes everything worse – that includes the rich who were born here (and those born in other countries) and the rich people who migrate, for who there are no borders. The problem is capitalism, and until we deal with that problem rather than worsening it with divide and rule nonsense things will continue to deteriotate – especially for working class and marginalised people, wherever they are from and wherever they are.

  16. Pop, Caucasians took the country from the Indians who where on the land, destroyed their culture and systems. Now the Caucasians are having their land and culture taken from them.
    How is this happening ? Who is controlling the liberals who pass these programs ? Call me an Anti-Semite if you wish but most of the leaders of the movement to marginalize the Caucasians in North America and western Europe are people that consider themselves jews (Atheist jews, what !!!)

    Caucasians have lost, they are now marginalized just like the Indians. The people in charge will flood the country and make Caucasians a small minority, unless. Unless there is a race war, this can happen, it will be horrible and tragic. It happened in Russia, it happened in Germany, and many other places.

    Sheepeople WAKE up.
    You and I and a small group of people are against the changes but the majority think it is a good thing but will regret it.

  17. Michal Yon is the reporter in Panama. He's a regular contributor for Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris. I recently saw on Episode #71 of Tucker Carlson where Brett Weinstein went to the Darien Gap with Chris Martenson and Michael "showed them around."


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