Royal caribbean Cruise Line just set a new world record. Frank del Rio NCL CEO is stepping down from the cruise line. This popular cruise destination has stores ripping off cruise passengers.
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Don’s Family Vacations PMB #471​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 900 Greenbank road Nepean Ontario K2J 4P6
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  1. and when you're shopping in a foreign port, know the exchange rate. I assume some folks get ripped off when the clerk puts in the transaction in local currency and the customer doesn't know the exchange rate.

  2. interesting when the crew says that the company kept some of the tips. we have asked many times for a breakdown. who gets how much , or how many of each class of staff there are who get the tips and no one can tell us. I don't want my tips going to engine room or bridge. I expect them to be paid properly

  3. People won’t forget the changes of been made. All the cutbacks all the increases they suck. The more they do it the worse it gets and I’m an avid cruiser. I myself have over 25 cruises and I’m not happy . I have with many many more on the Cruises on the schedule schedule. . 7000 Passengers Way too many passengers for me much nicer.

  4. I love Royal Carribean however on a recent trip everyone is told to return their beach towels the night before arriving at port otherwise they are charged a $50 non-return fee…….My husband did before 5pm but the fee showed up on the morning of our departure……..WE were one of the last guests to leave by 9am but many guests left the ship by 7am to get to the airport…….My question is how many times were other guests charged this fee on a non-return of beach towels? We got it sorted out because we were still on the ship…….much harder to get you money back if you have already left the ship.

  5. Well we are NOT going to make any credit purchases while on vacation anymore. Certainly this duty free thing is nothing special. I found I could get the same item for less with tax in the US. Del Sol, Caralohs out of Utah, have many sales on line. Cash for small purchases only. Thanks for reminding me you can trust no one.

  6. Just got off the NCL Escape. Nothing more than a money grab and too many folks. Ugh won’t ever do that again. Small ships only is the way even if it costs more. Cruising isn’t fun anymore. Sad.

  7. I've been on two cruises to the Bahamas years ago in 2014 and 2015. Both times with one port in Nassau. Nassau just seems to be a very shady place in general. We had all the swarms of street sellers literally hounding/following us to try to get us to buy their usually over-priced stuff. I actually had one patting my pockets while talking to me. I always stay in defensive mode, and keep my hands close to my pockets – and pushed their hands away. I've heard it's gotten way worse. I don't care to go back to Nassau.

  8. As cruise ships keep getting bigger and bigger and they try to cram more and more passengers onboard for profit my desire to sail is becoming less and less! I don’t want to be a sardine in a sardine can! I find myself searching for smaller ships!

  9. Disney? He made difficult decisions? How about turning that company inside out? I don’t think the person in there now is “shining” he’s trying to reverse the calamity that is Disney!

  10. We were on Bay Street in Nassau just this February 2023. First stop: we were charged $20 for two $3 beers. Disappointed with the high prices and bland service at most places. We learned to asked prices first. One big highlight was Rip Ty'd Bahamian Craft Beer. Great beer, great service, loved the place.

  11. Using an Amex Card, I receive an instant notification when the card is used in any transaction. Its nice to see that transaction immediately in-case there is an issue. Also…why would you spend a grand on anything in Nassau Bahamas?

  12. Don always forgets that the cruise industry was the most affected by the virus because of the lack of proper ventilation. I have not forgotten and it will be a long time before I get back on one of those germed out floating petri dishes of hell.

  13. They've been ripping people off for years, or totally harassing you as you walk down the streets. I myself have been offered drugs right outside the port, and with police within 20 feet… When will they stop this?

  14. The exit of ceo's tells me this industry is in huge financial trouble. Keep complaining about prices and extra charges but the industry is in financial do-do. Business has to make money and charging 100 bucks a day for a cruise doesn't work, even for Carnival or NCL.

  15. Who cares if a corporation gets a new CEO? You want to know why cruises are so expensive right now check out his severance package plus what they are paying him in salary until the new guy shows up. I am sure it is in the tens of millions. It's a club and you and I aint in it. You have fools like Don out here every day whining about the copper finish on the napkin rings at the formal meal but have nothing to say about the things that are really really wrong with cruising.

  16. I don't go on vacation to shop. Especially for big ticket items. If I'm looking for some sort of souvenir, I avoid the shops near the port. The closer a store is to your ship, the more likely you are to be ripped off. The onboard lectures about where to shop are all promotional and are just a good way to get a list of places to avoid. I rarely use credit cards ashore, and never in any country where I'm not comfortable with their legal system. Cash has risks. But if I'm carrying a couple hundred bucks in cash, disbursed over several different places on my person, my potential losses to theft or robbery are limited. Also, cash puts a hard limit on your susceptibility to impulse buying. In my experience two to three hundred bucks is more than sufficient to cover a nice meal and a couple souvenirs with money left over to cover taxis etc. Lastly, a little trick I learned in the navy; when going ashore put a hundred bucks in your shoes and spread the rest over different pockets. Keep only a little in your wallet. That's what pick pockets go for. If you do get mugged, they aren't likely to want to stand around and strip search you. The money in your shoes should be enough to get you back to the ship.

  17. Glad to hear the CEO has stepped down (or asked to step down) on NCL. All the changes recently with that cruise line does not make employees or passengers happy. We just came off Prima a couple of weeks ago and the employees were the most unfriendly ones I have ever interacted with. Maybe it was because they were so unhappy. I have been on a few NCL cruises and loved each of them and the ships were beautiful. I will wait and see what happens in the next year with the new CEO before I even consider booking another with them. A CEO can destroy a company. Time will tell.

  18. One of my favorite parts of traveling is going to gift shops and looking at all the colorful souvenirs. What I hate are the fake art galleries that sell mass-produced collectibles where they try to sell you some overpriced crap that they try to tell you is going to appreciate in value. I think it's a good idea not to buy something expensive on an impulse while on vacation. Go home, do your research and if you still want it you can try to find it online from a reputable dealer. Gift shops are good for making cash purchases like hats, tee shirts, refrigerator magnets, etc., but if you buy things like watches, art or jewelry, you don't have any recourse if you later discover you didn't get what you paid for or were scammed.

  19. I found out the "gratuities" on NCL just goes to NCL, not to the crew. They just use them to support a compensation system for the employees. Apparently, employees aren't allowed to comment on it without threat of being fired. Are travel agents prohibited from talking about this?

    So why shouldn't I have NCL always remove these charges and I just hand the same cash to my room steward and ask him/her to split it appropriately?

    I feel pretty misled by NCL!

    It may be this way on all the cruise lines, idk.

  20. I would hope shoppers are given a receipt with the actual amount of purchase. This could be used as proof for the credit card company. As for what to do about the shady businesses. Either the authorities close them down or all of the cruise lines stop going to Nassau. I have never seen the appeal of Nassau as a port stop especially with 5 or 6 ships at the dock.

  21. There you go again Don…..blind to the Covid era and Frank’s even more diabolical attempts to restart cruising. He promised EVERYTHING to keep people safe, and reversed course immediately.

  22. Let’s be frank (no pun intended)….cruise lines go, in part, where they are on the take.
    Their packages and recommended shops all give kickbacks.

  23. We just got off the NCL Jade. WE WILL NEVER SAIL WITH NCL AGAIN, nor will many of the other guests we spoke with. Food was terrible – condiments diluted – selection and quality bad including specialty dining – lack of maintenance – systems not updated – shore excursions late departing – on board store had very little inventory – misinformation given – extra charges that were high – etc. etc. etc.

    Right now, don't waste your time or money on NCL. Many others on the ship said the same thing. Of those we spoke to on the ship, 100% said the same thing!


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