Pop Quiz: How does this Chinook get this equipment moved?

Only the real ones know about sling load operations!

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39 thoughts on “Pop Quiz: How does this Chinook get this equipment moved?”

  1. In 2037 the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, the State of New Zealand and the State of Australia went to war against the State of Indonesia, the State of Indonesia won the war and completely controlled the Indian Ocean.

  2. I hate everyone I’m a Virgin everywhere I go I got old men waiting I’m 23 years old and all my dreams are dead I don’t care about anything anymore I never got my dick wet before or kissed or anything all I do is cut and burn myself I’m going too hell I just want alcohol too make it easier my memory is fucked I do not care what happens too humanity at all that night I was full of love said I was the son of god the 2nd coming of Christ and they bobed me up drugged me up wrote a song the evil that me. Do by suicide boys after they sent me too die and I made it back if they wouldn’t care if Jesus came back then why the fuck is this fucking race even worth living there’s no love just urges and self obsession and the rich looking down at the poor even tho the roof the door the walls is the fucking same the food the roof the walls keep u safe from the evil bullshit and they look at there images in the mirror the perfection then what they own and shit on the poor just trying too make it with what they have there heaven becomes the popes living hell because they think there gods not the same genetic material everyone else is made of going too the same fucked place making it soon for the less fortunate poor if they stayed at a fucking out post in the hot fucking son getting shot at they would know what hell is they sit in luxury as the y fight the fucked up ears protecting the ones who shit in them when they get back they don’t give a fuck if u came from the moon or mars they will shit on your fucking grave I sat there for 4 fucking years looking into a fucking fire flinching having flashbacks of arms legs gut half fuck g skulls siting in the bottom of a pitch fucking black cave and they wiped my fucking memory shit on my poor life style ruined every element of my fucked up life for human trafficking cuz my face was a beautiful face of a ww2 udt the same build face and him and his fucking son. He got back from the islands went broke the fucker in the suits came too his door everyday asking his for it. The niggers In the projects in sf came after him and his family he climbed all 15 of them with a philapeno can’t spell I’m fucked war club through them in the backs of there own trucks. He was smoking none filter how the fuck does this affect me at 23. His son bob looked just like him the niggers came too the front door with guns and knife he kicked the front door down and swung a car axle at them with one arm and nicked em over and they all ran scared shitless nobody gets what they ruined, the same shots my grandpa got on that assemble line when through the genetic make up too bob then me 2 fucking shots I felt like super man my whole life and the one % looked at me said ur fucking trash and ruined a military master peice I was fixing super man I was doing 2500 fucking reps on pushups not even sore my tendons almost snapped that’s all that stoped the over load I was 18.

  3. See the black truck thats me on the back the chinook got so close there was shit running down my massive big ripped ass quads, inside the truck we had a 600lb bomb we tied Hilary Clinton too it we were making a trade with isis for lamb and curry. The mission or operation was giving Hilary too isis so they could sneak the bomb into Ukraine and biologically bomb Ukraine with all the stds and shit.

  4. Sorry about all the fucked up comments there fucking with my knees telling me they get me ether way this illuminate shit forced me too suicide I’m 23 all my golden years gone over so fuck stalking and luring me none stop I end up alone and they pull that bullshit they go too the fucking store and that’s what they do chopper wtf is this bullshit.

  5. There none fucking stop the devils pulling my leg my ass that song this is fucking electronic and it’s not good at all all my freedom how the fuck do I leave too make money with all this 100% bullshit going on this isn’t fucking right at all there holding me on my property my dads getting older eventually I have too support him the best I can who the fuck is doing this electronic or witch craft bullshit. I’m siting there thinking of pussy and a fucking demon picked up my sleeping bag and I felt just the tip crest my ass crack didn’t like it one fucking bit, there was something in my pitch black room moving my blanket a demonic entity was trying too bone me I’m a dude not joking 100% it was trying too fuck me and moving my sleeping bag. That sleeping bag was moving I think Im fucked with a crazy ass ass demonic attachment there was a air dick touching me and I just want pussy and I’m a Virgin 23.


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