Polyturned | GamePlay PC

Polyturned, is a multiplayer game, in the genre of survival in low poly style.

World – a big colorful city filled with interesting places and mysteries.
Survival – You may get hungry, cold or thirsty, keep a close eye on the parameters to make your character feel good.
Base Building – Find materials to build your home in which you will feel safe and secure.
Cars – After the zombie apocalypse, there are unused cars left in the city that you can use to get around.
Weather conditions – Rain, fog, sun, day, night, different weather conditions affect gameplay.
Quests – Despite the zombie apocalypse, there are still people in the city who need your help!
Skill system – By earning character experience you can unlock new skills, which will make you stronger
Attachment system – Modular and complex system (Silencers, flashlight, etc.)


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