Police interrogate Fontana man for 17 hours until he makes false murder confession

Fontana detectives interrogated Thomas Perez Jr. for 17 hours after he reported his father missing. The interrogation, which has been described as psychological torture, ends when detectives extract a false murder confession from Perez. Tom Wait reports.


32 thoughts on “Police interrogate Fontana man for 17 hours until he makes false murder confession”

  1. Now you need to review every interrogation any of them ever conducted. At least. If not any interrogation that was ever conducted in this police station. Criminals. Literal criminals.

  2. imagine if he's father didn't showup or got killed by someone else this guys life would be ruined.
    this one of the reasons you shouldn't hesitate to get a lawyer even if you think it might look incriminating.

  3. This is horrifying! You spend your life being a law abiding citizen and then these jackwagons who are supposed to uphold the law can lie and destroy lives with the snap of a finger 🤷🏽‍♀️

  4. This happens when the person doesn't know his rights and doesn't invoke his 5th amendment…. I knew the police had the right to lie to get a confession but lying without any evidence and mentally manipulating a person who just told them that he suffers from depression is just plain wrong! Once a person is being interrogated the police treat the person like a piece of meat! His words have no value, only what they say or want counts! The victim should have had more compensation for what he endured but again, lack of knowledge prevented him from finding a really good civil rights lawyer.

  5. This is enough reason to NEVER talk to police, even if you're not a suspect. The INSTANT they read Miranda rights you need to demand a lawyer and not say another word. Its perfectly legal for them to lie to you but if you lie to police you're going to jail and even if the cop isn't corrupt – the system IS. NEVER talk to police and if they try to say it makes you look suspicious by not talking remember THIS case and remind them of this case.


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