Pokemon vs Palworld #shorts #palworld #palworldgame #palworldtips #palworldgameplay #palworldtips

Pokemon vs Palworld
Palworld seems to have some creative liberties taken from Pokemon’s universe and this has cause some controversy over intellectual property and Pokemon is NOW INVESTIGATING…BUT….Palworld is probably just fine.,

#shorts #palworld #palworldgame #palworldtips #palworldgameplay #palworldtips


32 thoughts on “Pokemon vs Palworld #shorts #palworld #palworldgame #palworldtips #palworldgameplay #palworldtips”

  1. Major News for Palworld video on my homepage, show some love, I’m about to hit a major milestone here on YouTube! Thanks for the support, everyone. 🤝

    (The beautiful Eevee Cremis art was discovered to be from @shupamikey)

  2. Its not even Palworld getting investigated its a mod. Somebody stoel assests from USUM and SwSh and put them over the pals, locked it behind a paywall and were using it to profit. Thats the investigation

  3. I lost faith in Pokémon’s design flaws when Sun and Moon came out. Even X and Y’s Pokédex was a little questionable, but they added megas which was pretty cool. If they had just stuck to one gimmick they maybe could’ve lasted.

  4. That’s what I’m saying man. There are so damn many Pokémon, they’re bound to look like some.

    But yeah let’s be real, some were definite references. It’s funny and I feel like that’s the point, but also if they’re forced to change their appearances, I won’t love the game any less. Maybe more even.

  5. Most of the pokemon comparisons are a stretch. In most of the examples of "copying" it's just Palword using the same real world animal or myth as inspiration. Hedgehogs, hellhounds, and sea serpents all predate pokemon.

  6. I hate ai cause all these creators used to use Photoshop and actually put love and effort into their visuals, not its just "make lawyer pikachu" and slap it into yhe video. Worse is that I recognize that art style, I know where the ai stole from.

  7. The Pokemon mod is illegal, because it's sells. It's for patrons and only if you give money, you can get it. This makes it illegal. ONLY if you get nothing for it, Nintendo and game freak can't get you to Court. So infact you showed, that you don't understand the gaming INDUSTRY. It's only about the Pokemon mod, not palworld

  8. I love how the pokemon Stan’s are huffing copium by trying to convince themselves Pokémon’s sueing palworld and just hasn’t told the public yet, like brotha, if they could even possibly sue or take any legal action once so ever, they would’ve done it ages before the game even came out, y’all ain’t got a point, you don’t have legal grounds to stand on, get over it


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