Pointless: This Town's Mail Will Go 104 Miles Away

Postmaster DeJoy wants to make the USPS more efficient. So his solution is to take mail from this rural Wyoming town, send it to be sorted in Denver, and then ship it back to Wyoming again. It’s not just absurd. It’s also disastrous for postal workers and rural residents. And it’s going to make all of our mail slower, too.
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41 thoughts on “Pointless: This Town's Mail Will Go 104 Miles Away”

  1. Dejoy is trying to ruin the reputation of the US postal. The ultimate goal is that corporations want to privatize it but anything that is a corporate asset will not be for the good of the people.

  2. Hello there. Medical office and receptionist professionals like myself are scared. As more large companies like Optum buy out local clinics and hospitals, they start putting a lot of our workload on nurses and medical assistants. There has also been a push in some companies to use AI generated services. Companies are even utilizing contractors with no healthcare experience, which is making visits harder to get, keep, and follow up on.

  3. Another example of government trying to operate like a corporation. Government is not a business for profit, people pay taxes for a service. Fire DeJoy, he’s not fixing anything. Simple solution change the law where USPS receives tax dollars to make it fair for all Americans.

  4. His plan from the beginning was to slow the USPS for political reasons "mail in voting" Now it looks like he is trying to bankrupt it while making millions for his family, Just another republican conman

  5. They all wanted Republicans, who had obstructed Obama's nominees for the BOG, until Trump could fill the vacancies. If they don't like this, then they should've made better choices 8 years ago.

  6. Its the classic Republican strategy, purposefully hamstring and ruin a functioning public service and run the quality into the ground. When everyone is complaining about it you outsource it all to your private sector pals like Dejoy's friends at XPO who immediately raise prices astronomically, especially for rural areas.

  7. Duh! DeJoy is continuing to run our "once the envy of the world" postal service into the ground so he can say, "see, it doesn't work!". Then he can privatize it.
    What a sad ending to such wonderful and rich history 😪

  8. You can thank rump for this mess! Dejoy is corrupt as hell and really unfit and this doesn’t even scratch the surface of all the real evil crap he has done. He wants to destroy the postal service

  9. Can't understand this obsession with a government company making a profit. Free public transport in some European cities boosts economic growth. This economic growth gets taxed to fund the free public transport.

  10. It took 21 days for my rent check to get to my landlord and they live less than 6 miles away. This happened the last 2 months. The post stamp they put on it is alway 3 weeks after I mail it also so it looks like I mailed my rent in late. I live in Auburn, Alabama

  11. the ultimate goal is to privatize everything – the public will own nothing and will have to pay the already filthy sinking rich to get their basic services .

  12. The message people need to understand here is that Trump appointed DeJoy and now neither congress, nor President Biden can fire him. Only the Board of governors can do that with a majority vote. There are 3 Democrats and 3 Republicans on the Board so getting a majority vote is not going to happen unless we put extreme pressure on them


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