PM Jacinda Ardern slept in 'relief' after resignation

NZ PM Jacinda Ardern slept in ‘relief’ after resignation: Announcing her resignation after five-and-a-half-years on Thursday, Jacinda Ardern said she simply didn’t have enough left in the tank to give. Just one day after her shock announcement, Ms Ardern said women in leadership positions could enjoy having a family in a way they may have struggled to before in recent years. ‘Is there more work to do (for women in leadership)? Yes, but that was not the cause for my departure,’ she told reporters outside Hawke’s Bay airport on Friday.
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26 thoughts on “PM Jacinda Ardern slept in 'relief' after resignation”

  1. History of moral madam Jacinda.

    @@ This is solely about the control of the population by the Western elite, which they tried to carry out with the help of communism and socialism.

    @@ The local conflict in Ukraine allowed the Greens to fulfill their dream of destroying Western industry, economy, prosperity for the sake of establishing a dictatorship of the Green elite, maniacs. Start total armament.

    The Nazis began an accelerated transition to renewable energy. The party program (for the Greens) was founded by the Nazis in the 1933 Reichstag elections), slogans for switching to wind energy and using wind to produce hydrogen.

    The catalyst for this energy revolution in the Nazi Party was an “us versus them” mentality and a fundamental reaction to the “original sin of the industrial revolution”—a revolution that vastly improved the standard of living of mankind and was made possible by coal. But when the Nazi Party fell, the Nazis and neo-Nazi environmental leaders had to find new ways to continue their "energy revolution." Later, the same party officially became the German Green Party in 1980, which led to the "greening of Germany", ultimately the "greening of Europe", and is not based on science, but on the insane green ideology of the Nazis. Its founders were also Nazis participating in Kristallnacht.

    The left government of the EC, let's say it destroys its entire population of the EC, with the exception of the LGBT, of course, the impact on climate change on a land of 510.1 million km² will be equal to zero. In the plans of the Green leaders of the EC and the USA, the destruction of industry, animal husbandry, and so on. In their opinion, the road to absolute power, their dictatorship.

  2. The woke are weak. They can't take a joke. Can't take criticism and can't even face their own low poll numbers. Simply Weak.

    Who would have figured we could invent weak, thin skinned Fascists? What a combination.

  3. Now for (If Elected) Nationals Amazing Eradication of Poverty Crime and Homelessness . Their Trumpeting of how much better they are at Eradicating those Serious Issues affecting NZ ( Not withstanding the Fact they themselves dropped the Ball whilst in Power ) must surely mean NZ will be amazingly free of these issues once and for all . Let’s hope like Hell they don’t just bring in a bag of Bandaids Crying out More Police Build more Prisons as the Whole World already knows that is a complete fail in dealing with Social Issues . 👍👍


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