Playing LOTR: Gollum – Part 1

We begin our play-through of the first Lord of the Rings console game in quite some time! Join me as we dive into The Lord of the Rings: Gollum!

#gollumgame #lordoftherings #gollum


40 thoughts on “Playing LOTR: Gollum – Part 1”

  1. Game is horrible. Don’t sell yourself out for goodies…. Your channel and reputation is worth more then this. Same goes for Rings of Power and Magic the gathering. It’s not worth it man.

  2. So 99% of this game seems to be to follow an obvious climbing path and pressing a button when the game tells you to press it. Then some very janky companion sections.
    When I heard about this game I imagined an open world game with a lot of freedom to explore the world as Gollum. But instead it has one of the most one-dimensional storylines I've seen in years. You literally just do thing after thing in the order that the game tells you.
    The graphics and voice acting isn't what sinks this game for me, it's the gameplay. Charging $60 for this game feels obscene.

  3. I wish people gave things (and people for that matter) a chance before judging them. Sure it may not be perfect but all those criticism feel WAY too overblown. It looks professional, it feels very immersive, the orc locations are creepy, the elven a great mix of nature and magic… I think most people won't see anything too bad with this game, they just won't comment. It's ALWAYS the haters who comment the most sadly.

  4. they could have done better, in fact, the creators of Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West should have made this game, not Deadalic in fact the game should have begun in The Gladden Feilds and we see the life Gollum had before he found the Ring and we see the Hobbit Village Gollum lived in and wonder around it too and I would have loved to see Gollum meeting Bilbo during the journey with the Dwarves from the Hobbit and seeing him and Gollum having the same conversation that they had in the movie and the book but the difference is it is from Gollum Point of view, not Bilbo and I wish they show Gollum leaving his cave going to Lake Town and exploring the place then I wish he would wonder around Middle Earth making friends and enemies with people from men and woman and children who live on a farm and then show Gollum going to Mordor and getting captured by Sauron and escaping meeting Shelob and then fleeing North to Mirkwood and here something they could add as a decoration they could have The Blanket rider looking for you and you have to avoid them in Mirkwood just like Frodo did in the Shire then show Gollum meeting Aragorn when he takes you to the Wood Elves then getting interviewed by Gandalf then escaping going to Moria coming across Frodo Aragorn Gandald and the rest of the fellowship and following them following them into Lorian forest after escaping Moria and the Balrog spying on frodo confersation with Galraderal then following them down the River Auduin thengetting seperated from them in the woods after Urukai attack then get captured by frodo and Sam and leading them to Mordor that is what they should have shown.

  5. I just don't understand why they weakened an underwhelming character. Gollum is actually quite strong and quick with a vicious bite. It's like a walking simulator or those crappy horror games where you hide or run from everything or it's game over. Boooooring.

  6. Something I never fully understood, when Bilbo was without the Ring his years began to catch up with him and he aged. But despite being without the Ring for much longer after owning it for longer doesn't seem to have succumbed to age or anything.

  7. Im watching your video probably after you named your dog. But i tought Tom Bombadil, nickname Tom, would be a nice one! Tom could be a good name for a dog and is an all rounder😂


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