Plants vs Zombies 3 Soft Launch 2024 | Levels 21-25

Gameplay of levels 21-25 of new version of Plants vs Zombies 3 from soft launch 2024

#pvz2 #plantsvszombies2 #vad0013


30 thoughts on “Plants vs Zombies 3 Soft Launch 2024 | Levels 21-25”

  1. I actually like some ideas here, like having power ups in the form of boosts, but they make it way too easy. They should only allow 1 or 2 per level, and make each level more challenging and difficult. If the level design was actually good, along with some of the animations being polished, I don’t think this would be received that badly. The story is honestly not too bad, it’s much better than before. The classic dynamic between of the smart and dumb guys are nice, along with the Batman-esque jingle for zomboss

  2. They didn't accept any criticism. 25 levels and we have only 6 plants, of which 3 are basic, 2 are old and 1 is new. If there are only 6 plants for 100 levels, then the game is not worth the candle. Okay, the mechanics at the levels are cool, they make you want to complete the game, but choosing plants that simply aren’t there (no choice) lowers the game’s score. Is there any energy left over compared to beta where if you run out of energy you won't be able to complete the levels? This is nonsense, I wouldn’t be surprised if it remains and real money is needed to replenish it. The ease of the levels leaves much to be desired. The world is beautiful, detailed in colors and environments, but not much else. Game Sunset

  3. I don't understand in the levels where he has access to wall-nut, try placing wall-nuts in the column with the "3" road sign on it. To get more points in that event, that's what I would do. Of course I do realize you may need wall-nut for a specific wave, but try to be a bit more risky, after all doesn't he has the infi-brains so if he loses a level, he doesn't lose a life (or brain). Plus he has mo as well, and you don't get any additional rewards if mo stays on the lawn either. I think he could afford to be a bit more risky with his wall-nuts, or defensive plants he has access to in the future.


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