This stream is about how they are destroying Russian economy and resurrecting the USSR step by step.

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39 thoughts on “PLANNED ECONOMY COMING BACK TO RUSSIA | How They Are Resurrecting The USSR”

  1. Hello Sir,
    Thank you for the work you do.
    My name is Don and I am a photographer in Pennsylvania, USA. If it is possible, adjust your camera so the only thing visible behind you is the wall and wallpaper. It will not only make the video image and composition better, but it will also protect your privacy a bit better. I did not see anyone in the background, but it was visible. If I can help in any way, please let me know.
    All my best,

  2. Dear Konstantin, let us be honest and talk about why this all happens. The reason is the Ukraine war and the Ukraine, the EU and also Russia are all vicitms.
    I'm wondering why all this could happen and I've come to the following conclusion. There are 2 countries fighting for world power and they are China and the USA. The Chinese knew exactly what buttons to push on Putin to get him to go to war against Ukraine. Putin is an uneducated pervert narcissistic idiot, easily manipulated by the Chinese. The Chinese laugh their heads off at the Russians and are happy about how well Putin and Russia can be controlled. That is very sad

  3. PUTIN AND RUSSIA WANTS TO CONTROL THE WORLD: it's not going to happen. Propaganda says Russia is fighting NATO. If NATO was fighting Russia, it would be over by now. Russia stated it would take over Ukraine in 3 days. I can guarantee you that NATO can take Russia in 3 days.

  4. They forgot to mention that the USSR was bancrupt when the iron curtain fell. Gorbatchev was extremly deperate for FOREX. During his visit to Germany he was talking to Chanceller Helmut Kohl and asked for a major credit line. Germany agreed in exchange for political favours.

  5. My friend, a Free Market Economy is NEVER in balance, because, as such it serves to provide for WANTS, not so much for NEEDS. Also, if you can afford it, the Free Market can offer a great deal (pun intended) but if you cannot afford it? Well lets say it offers very little. Capitalism is all about PROFIT and the means to acquire it. And what is Profit, but wealth and the POWER to wield that wealth to the SOLE ADVANTAGE of the wielder.


  7. The scary thing is that Canada 🇨🇦 is developing something similar through a "digital driver's license". It covers everything ( SIN number, address, age, DOB, bank accounts, bank balance, credit scores, vaccine status, health care #, HIV status, health issues, current medication taken, and a whole list of other things). The PM is threatening to cut federal health care funding to provinces who refuse the digital id. Currently, only 2 out of 13 provinces/territories have refused the digital id, but more are becoming aware of the danger.

  8. Konstantin excellent show!!! Again and again! What is going to happen to the oligarchs with the Gostplan? I know exactly about you talking about the gostplan, i’m eastern european. Coupons will be next! Once a month u pick up the ration for a month.

  9. I grew up in Eastern Europe, and I completely understand the experiences you had in the stores ! Your stories brought back memories… I live in the US now. Wishing you nothing but the best in the future, hope you will be able to eventually find a safe, permanent place to live and have a happy life.I enjoy your streams enormously.

  10. Hard to believe leadership would try to put this in place again. The only reason that coud make this "sensible" is that the deciders will always have all they need or want, and that they think their plan will ensure that there will be enough for the peasants to survive on.

  11. THE plan arises again…. How sad to see Russia descend into this horror. All for the ego of one man. The sharing of all of this must be horrifically painful for you.
    I’m learning so much and sharing it with those around me. Thank you.

  12. Im born 1996 in Finland. I dont remember USSR but i have heard and learnt how it was. It sounds so bizare. And i have learnt soo much from your stories. I cant believe how this is happening in 2023. Sounds like the higher people in Russia are running out of luxury goods but still have the money in their banks so they take the availability away from the normal Russian people so they themselves can enjoy sought after goods just like before. Im so sad this is happening in the country about 400km away from me and i just cant believe how much Russian lives have changed in exactly 1 year! 🙁 When the sanctions started hapening at the beginning of the year everyone was talking at the coffee tables that Russia will become the new Africa in therms of development and will fall back 30-40 years in a short period of time.

  13. It's obvious to me what is going to happen, the Russian government are going to take control of everything. They are going to confiscate all assets and use them to continue to fund the war. They will build another massive military manufacturing industry and make the population work to provide what they need. There will be no more freedoms in Russia, everything will be controlled. Russia is heading towards being another North Korea. Only one with a larger population. They will build and sell arms and be another tyrant around the world. Russian people need to wake up and take action before its too late otherwise they will be going back 100 years and be enslaved.

  14. I lived back then in Poland as a child. After the fall of communism I've gone with my father to market in the City and there I saw for the first time in my life bananas and Oranges. This step makes actually sense because they actually try to fill the budget deficit with this mesures. On other hand many milions of russians were already working in some kind for the goverment.

  15. Thank you for your chain of thoughts Constantine. Every time You are speaking my mind. I dont envy you your situation. It must be very difficult for You but please know You have all my support. I come from Czechia, living in UK. If you ever need anything, reach up. You have a friend here.

  16. In Saint Petersburg, the head of the financial support department of the Ministry of Defense for the Western District, Marina Yankina, mysteriously fell out of the window…😦

  17. Konstantin in the west there are plans to create 15 minute cities, meaning all your needs are within walking distance. Sounds great, on the surface . Now the west is climate carbon counting crazy so this plan will lower our carbon footprint. Ok convenience is nice BUT the system will calculate a person’s carbon footprint through digitizing and quotas can be placed on each individual. Does this sound like the free world? Not to me. In Ontario Canada the police cars have installed a system that identifies your licence plate and immediately downloads any infractions from parking tickets to outdated licences. Does this sound like a free world or a police state? Only in the west it is WEF holding the reins. The world is absurd full stop. At some level i think Putin and Biden are buddies and all this theatre is just for us ….to be controlled. Keep an open mind and be aware🇨🇦🙏🖖

  18. Of course the Politburo Boys want to bring back the Planned Economy, it was a fantastic system… for them.

    After all, they "had blood", badges, and favors. Remember when 16 Admirals died in 1 plane crash? Overloaded with goodies for me but not for thee. Pilot even warned them, but you fly or you die peasant. How about both?

  19. How they can even think such totally centrally controlled thing would work is just pure insanity….
    I experienced it myself 1st hand in Cuba in around 1999 travrlling solo, leaving as much as locals as possible with all related difficulties.
    Total nonsense….

  20. It seems to be a peculiarity of dictators that, at a certain point in the dictatorship's life, they believe they can nevertheless enforce decisions that are outside their own power on the basis of their own power. In this case, it is about the power of the (global) market. It has its own laws, a dictator cannot do anything about it. But since he is used to determine everything himself with his absolute power, he ignores these laws. One can also call it megalomania. This can then be his undoing, the dictator's undoing and the country's undoing. Erdogan also thought he could "determine" Turkey's interest rate policy himself, which led to incredible inflation in Turkey. Let's see if the tail can also wag the dog. Good luck Russia. If the Russians put up with this, they probably don't deserve any better.

  21. PUTIN's PLAN . (PART 2 of 2. read also part 1 of the comment, if you have not read it yet. And share this comment with your Russian friends. We authorize you to copy our comment, paste it or print it and send it to whoever you want to send it. Putin has been and is the greatest brightest military mind double agent greatest actor with secret pure love for the Western world (in secret), and made sure through his actions to affect the West to take the steps needed to become more united again and with a stronger NATO including Finland and Sweden and later after 2030 also Ukraine. Putin always says one thing (even to the media),
    secretly he means the opposite like the time that he said that he won't invade Ukraine knowing well that he was going to invade and did invade Ukraine. It was the only way to make all this happen while getting read of all those Russian men that are very anti-west and wanted war in Ukraine. Therefore Putin gave them what they wanted and sent them to their
    death as
    "cannon fodder" while acting that he cares about them, and speaking patriotically, and instead of attacking with missiles only the Ukrainian Army and the Ukrainian International legion, he made sure that he attacked Ukrainian civilian buildings infrastructure to enrage the Ukrainians to be even more against the Russian socialist-Communists having the red Communist flag in the battle, and to enrage the Western world of such actions because it
    was the
    only way to make them even more United with a stronger NATO and a stronger EU united to stop the division arguments among themselves, and become more worried and with care to build a stronger NATO and to bring much more NATO in the Baltic States, Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria to never again give a chance to the Russian Communists that Putin hates, those socialists-communists to grow strong again especially economically.
    But all this
    while taking them back in time like it was before 1985, so that you could not speak against the president, government and his party without getting arrested and sent to gulag (or to front as cannon fodder) to die on the front so he could get rid of such socialists-communists, beasts and communists rats. He is no worse actor than Biden and the socialistic false democrats of his party, who acts very convincing playing theater that he and they are against
    but he reversed the actions of Trump that made to ban to stop Chinese socialistic-communistic companies from buying lands in the USA and raising money on the New-York stock exchange even from the funds of the retirement saved by people and now billions of dollars are in the hands of the Socialist-Communist Chinese Government. It is all a theater played by Biden and his socialistic fake democrats, just like Putin plays his own theater with
    deceived most Russians that were pro-war with a false sense of patriotism. No problem, send them to die in the front if they want war under deceit of patriotism. Putin also is anti the Russian bolsheviks, and anti the socialist-communists but he has to hide his hate against the socialist-communists to keep more Russian votes for himself. Putin is the greatest double agent that did a huge great favor through his actions of "special military operation", a great favor to the West by making Finland and Sweden afraid, and that way to become part of NATO.
    is the greatest most successful double agent in the entire history of the planet while acting perfectly with hate acting against the West (without really hating the West,, but due to his theater like acting, no one could ever say he does not hate the West and NATO) and that he does not love Russia. No one because he is that great of an actor world wide, the greatest. We are not worried for revealing this, for making public this about Putin because we know that no one would believe what we said here with those words and we trust Putin of continuing to act perfectly as he did so far. He is the greatest actor on the planet earth and he will
    so. The majority of Russians have been deceived very easily by him. Even if you realize and believe what we said about him; it will be very hard to do something about because the majority of Russians will not believe you if you were to do something about. In Russia, they will arrest you immediately (or fall out of a window/ or get poisoned) if you were to speak in Russia against Putin. But he had to do all this to make sure that the FSB former KGB where he was infiltrated and the socialists – communists would never ever be able to have so much power like during Stalin about which he acts (theater playing) that he
    Putin made sure that from now on there is no way that the Russians socialist-communists would succeed against such a strong reunited EU and NATO made by Putin's scare tactics (according to the plan) strong, MUCH STRONGER, near the Russian frontiers in the Baltic States, Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria, with more weapons missiles and soldiers now permanently based which would prevent Russian Socialist-Communism in Eastern Europe to
    be brought
    from Russia again. Putin did what he had to do so far ("according to the plan, his plan which went perfectly as planed") even if affecting the Russian Economy very badly in long term, collapsing it in many places and more Russians without jobs and the working hours to become longer for lesser pay and no legal rights to
    or manifest; Hundreds of thousands more of Russian men nationalists pro-war are scheduled to be sent on the front lines to die as cannon fodder. After all they want war so they will die getting it for being Russian nationalistic idiots who do not care about neighboring countries like Ukraine. All this is a success to make sure that the Russian Socialism-Communism will not take advantage of open Western capitalist economy money and investments in Russia ever again, like
    Communist Chinese deceitfully did take advantage from Western investments and technology wasted in China to benefit the Chinese, for them to rebuild Socialism of the Communists that way and make it stronger (like they are doing now in Socialist-Communist Vietnam due to losers like Biden). Putin made sure that the Soviet communist-socialist dinosaur could not be resurrected or fed with Western technology and money investments in Russia anymore.
    who loves secretly Western world but because too many Russians are anti-West he had to play theater and act like he is anti-west. Because he does love Russia, he does not want Russia to become a socialist-communist country again through the Western capitalist strong economy investments in Russia, like also China received unending Western investments and kept remaining Socialist-Communist dictatorship country.
    So he
    made sure (according to the plan), that such thing could not happen even if costs the life of many hundreds of thousands of nationalists pro-war Russian men. If you are a Russian man, this is for you: You want war in Ukraine ? Great ! You will be sent to fight and die in it. Enjoy!

  22. PUTIN's PLAN. (PART 1 of 2. read also part 2 of the comment). And share this comment with your Russian friends. We authorize you to copy our comment, paste it or print it and send it to whoever you want to send it. BECAUSE TOO MANY POW Prisoner Of War didn't know Putin's PLAN OR REASON FOR THIS WAR, WE LIKE TO SHARE THIS WITH THEM, AND WITH ALL THE OTHER RUSSIANS. BUT READ BOTH PARTS 1 and 2 TO UNDERSTAND THE FINAL ANSWER. The plan is the plan. It doesn't matter to Putin that his army now controls less territories than it did four months ago AS LONG AS
    ACCORDING TO THE PLAN. Just follow the plan. There is great wisdom to follow the plan. It doesn't matter if it takes 25 years to take over all the Donbass. Putin got patience and is surrounded by "men of patience" which will also 'patiently' succeed him. The question is: 'Does the West have also patience, and is the West's patience greater than his ! ? That is what Putin wants to know. Putin just keeps doing things according to the plan. The plan is 'THE PLAN'. Nothing
    matters other than things to go according to the secret, only by him known plan. If somehow the Russians will end with even less territories than they control now, that will be because it was all along the plan. The annexations went also according to the plan. So if they never get all the lands posted in annexations, then no problem. That is also according to the plan. Remember no one knows the plan except Putin. That is the safest way so that no one
    can claim
    victory, and surely no spies could find out the plan. The plan is what Putin will say at the very end that the plan was so that he could prove that he was victorious. He can't loose as long as he alone knows the plan. At the end he could share the plan publicly with everyone on the TV (if he decides, but don't bet on it because you could loose and that will also be according to the for-seen by him plan. That alone will be the proof that he won the war no
    who controls any parts of Donbass or Crimea, and no matter who you say that won. He may end saying (AT THE VERY END) that the plan was all along just to teach Ukraine a lesson and to teach the West who is the real boss in that part of the world. He doesn't even have to control any parts of Ukraine at the end as long as everything is according to the plan that he alone knows and no one else know, so that no spy could find out the plan until Putin is
    to declare he won a great victory according to the plan. Don't mess up with the plan. Is his plan and he alone knows it. No one else knows the plan and so far everything was according to the plan. The man said that it was so. His men also say that he is right. So who do you think you are to challenge him ? He knows better. Putin is the only one who knows his plan and since you could not find out his plan, guess what !? He won, and you lost. He alone knowing the plan, is proof that Russia
    already been victorious every second from February until Putin reveals the plan as being accomplished (since you have not been able to figure out his plan). Give up, you have already lost. Whatever the plan is or was, that is not your business, since is Putin's business alone and of no one's else (since is his plan). How do you dare to challenge the mighty president of the greatest Federation on earth ! ? . Don't you see ? you already failed since you still don't know the plan and he is still
    the only
    one who knows the plan and everything so far went according to the plan that he alone knows. All the dead Russians so far (hundreds of thousands of them) and, all the weapons spent (or the weapons lost according to you) went also perfectly according to the plan (which including "demilitarization" (meaning disarming, getting rid of the weapons). But how would you ever understand ? You can't understand because you don't know the plan. But finally now we also know it and we will share it with you. Here it is:
    Putin,, yes
    Putin who said those words "everything is going according to the plan" and "don't worry, everything is and will be OK", Putin said so at different times from March 2022 to November 2022 that: "everything is going according to the plan" and people should trust him. Why did he said so ? We know why. He has discovered the way how to travel back in time, therefore
    all things
    he did so far were necessary to take Russia back in time when Russians were puppets to the government, the government was their "god" and they were afraid to say anything negative against their president, government or party; they would even report each other (like rats) to the government's police when speaking against the party or against the
    or against the government since was a way to get rid of someone whom you envied or were an enemy personal to you, because anyone saying anything negative against the president, or against his regime or against his party, was punished by jail or gulag (labor camps mostly until death) else sent on the front as cannon fodder). So Putin has discovered how to take Russia back in time but without the socialist-communists which he hates. The majority of the Russians have no clue.
    do not know that Putin is the greatest actor on earth saying one thing but wishing and desiring another because his greatest desire was always hidden and he does not expose it openly. He took all those steps to make sure NATO expended to Finland and Sweden and transform Ukraine into a neighboring country very anti-Russia because Putin as a double agent and great actor he always hated the communists and want to make sure the communists could never become able to
    communism in Ukraine again, and could never become a serious threat to NATO as it was during Stalin and Brezhnev. Putin fooled (deceived, tricked) almost all Russian people to believe in him and to believe that he is a patriot according to their own understanding of "patriotism" while Putin is not according to what they believe is "patriotic" and while he acted that way but his heart was always with the West and NATO (even if he has to sacrifice Ukrainian lives as a necessity to
    the goal, the plan), and made sure to take the necessary actions to scary to make afraid Finland and Sweden and Ukraine in order to apply for NATO. That is why everything went according to the plan. That was the plan all along. He is a good actor and plays perfectly "theater" acting as the greatest hater of the West while secretly helped the West to make EU less dependent on Russian Communist Gas and Petrol and to make EU stronger
    again and a strong NATO again because in 2021 EU and NATO were very weak, very divided and were about to brake apart . Putin secretly through his actions since February 2022, when he saw the division between different EU states, through his actions he made the division stop and made EU become very strong united again. Also through his actions he made sure that the NATO that was very divided and were about to brake apart starting with France wanting to brake from NATO and make a military alliance local of the EU, even if
    less powerful with only the countries of the EU. But Putin saw that bad idea about to happen to EU and through his actions made sure that it stop and that NATO becomes again strong and strongly united against his Russian actions of invasion in Ukraine. And here is why: (Read part 2 of the comment) If you can't see it then click on that button which posts the newest comments "FIRST" and hope that my second comment was also accepted and allowed to post, and find it after this comment. Then you will indeed know "The Plan of Putin" known also as "THE PLAN OF PUTLER" Russia's newest Hitler as president over the Fascist Federation of Russia.


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